Articles Idaho State News

Exposed: Who’s Funding RINO Attacks Against Conservative Legislators

Articles Local News

The Invasion Is Not Over

LS Power Doubling Down with 25K to Idaho Prosperity Fun Sen Glenneda Zuiderveld, Dist 24 Nov 18, 2023 While researching the Idaho Sunshine Reports for a topic unrelated to Magic Valley Energy / LS Power — a corporation actively seeking to use Idaho Public Lands in Jerome and Twin Falls County for installing nearly a […]

Articles Local News

An Open Letter to Magic Valley Shepherds

Woke radicals are coming for our families, our children, our churches, our freedoms, and our country. And they’re backed by major corporations, big tech and big media, and every department and agency within our government. Whether the Church will be found complicit, complacent, or courageous against these attacks depends on its shepherds doing the following: […]

Articles Local News

Exposing Magic Valley RINOS

MVLA Republican Voting Record 2023. The Good, the bad and the ugly. I

Articles Idaho State News

All Hands on Deck! Stop Lava Ridge Wind Project Enters Second Critical Phase

As Joan Hurlock of Stop Lava Ridge presented at the MVLA Legislative Update meeting on Monday, February 6, 2023, action on this second phase is critical to stopping the Project once and for all. “The preservation of BLM land in the Magic Valley is at stake. This is THE HILL to die on. If this […]

Articles Idaho State News

Your Resource Guide to MVLA’s 2023 Idaho Legislative Update Meetings

Bookmark this Resource Guide! It’s loaded with the tools you need to take decisive and effective action all through the legislative session and our MVLA Legislative Update Meetings. While these regular meetings will give you the inside baseball on upcoming bills, this guide will help you take immediate action all through this legislative session by […]

Articles The Prepared Patriot

An Invisible Prison Has Been Built for You

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Every Prepared Patriot needs to watch this interview of Aman Dabbi. View the video interview here. He has over 25 year’s experience working in Silicon Valley as an engineer primarily on camera technologies. He joins Zeee Media to expose extremely alarming technologies being set up in Smart Cities, and how […]

Articles The Prepared Patriot

New White House “Food is Medicine” Program About Tracking and Control

The masterminds of Building Back Better are “reimagining” your food. To help you be a more Prepared Patriot, this timely article from Corey Digs reveals how this master plan is now laying the groundwork for tying together digital food tokens, a digital currency, vaccine ID passports, “medical meals”, data gathering to establish “produce prescriptions”, restrict […]

Articles Idaho State News

How Idaho Dept. of Health & Welfare Pushes Gender Affirming Therapy on Kids

I’m a mental health therapist in Idaho who treats children and adolescents.  There’s hardly anyone these days who doesn’t know a family whose child has “come out” as gay or transgender. We are witnessing a tidal wave of youth who report their “deeply felt belief” that theywere “born in the wrong body.” In fact, in England, […]

Articles Local News

Idaho’s Pride: Part Two

Idaho’s government is pushing pronoun surveys in public schools and funding gender transition therapy and drag shows for kids And what Magic Valley parents can do about it Editor’s note: Once again, our many thanks to Anna Miller, Dr Scott Yenor and Kaitlyn Shepherd of Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) for providing the references for this article. I urge […]

Articles Local News

Idaho’s Pride

PART ONE Despite what you’ve been told, Idaho’s government IS pushing radical sex ed curriculum, teaching ‘porn literacy’, hosting LGBT clubs in schools and funding gender transition therapy And it’s happening in Magic Valley schools Editor’s note: Our many thanks to Anna Miller, Dr Scott Yenor and Kaitlyn Shepherd of Idaho Freedom Foundation for providing […]

Articles The Prepared Patriot

Know Your Rights Against Medical Tyranny

MVLA launched The Prepared Patriot Series to equip you to stand strong body, mind and spirit against threats to your liberties. This week, we’re featuring helpful downloadable documents from Vaccine Police and Health Freedom Idaho you’ll want to have on hand should you encounter medical mandates at your school, church or place of employment. We […]

Articles Local News

Must-Watch: Best-Ever Presentation on The Great Reset

October 20, 2022 College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls In this presentation by Alex Newman, journalist, author and senior editor of The New American magazine, Newman exposes the diabolical ideology and masterminds behind The Great Reset: Project from Hell. What you are about to watch is so outlandish and creepy, Newman presents video clips, quotes, […]

Articles Local Elections

“Zucker Bucks” in Twin Falls County

An Interview with Kathy Thomsen, Election Integrity Idaho, Twin Falls Editor’s note: It is no secret that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has flooded states with “Zucker Bucks” to influence elections through the Center for Tech & Civic Life CTCL. Below is a letter from CTCL to the Board of Twin Falls County Commissioners, awarding a […]

Articles The Prepared Patriot

Do not fear the collapse, for it is NECESSARY to dismantle the evil cabal and give humanity a path to FREEDOM

Monday, October 10, 2022 By Mike Adams Natural Health News Editor’s Note: To help you survive and thrive, even during the coming collapse, as engineered by the masterminds of The Great Reset, rather than fearing and dreading the collapse, says Health Ranger Mike Adams, there is cause to welcome it and prepare for it.   An […]