MVLA can never be a solo act if we are to succeed in restoring our constitutional republic. That’s why we are partnering with other conservative organizations, and conservative elected officials, throughout Idaho and the Magic Valley. We urge you to check them out, sign up for their newsletters, join them on social media.

The John Birch Society, Magic Valley Chapters. Their mission is to bring about less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world. Twin Falls chapter: Buhl chapter: Jerome chapter:
Citizens Alliance of Idaho CAI is made up of motivated citizens across the state who have committed to hold our elected officials accountable.
Election Integrity Idaho Election integrity is the most important issue because it is upon election integrity that all other issues depend. Our main goal is to secure elections.
Idaho Family Policy Center IFPC is a ministry that advances the lordship of Christ in the public square through engaging the church, promoting God-honoring public policy, and training statesmen.
Growing Freedom for Idaho Empowers citizens with critical information regarding current legislation, rules and regulations, and ethics, to pursue freedom and liberty objectives essential for Idaho to maintain its Constitutional rights.
Health Freedom Idaho HFI was created to protect and preserve our constitutional freedoms regarding our health care.
Idaho 2nd Amendment Alliance They are Idaho’s premiere no-compromise gun rights organization.
Idaho Family Policy Center IFPC is a ministry that advances the lordship of Christ in the public square through engaging the Church, promoting God-honoring public policy, and training statesmen.
Idaho Freedom Caucus The Idaho Freedom Caucus is a dedicated group of state legislators committed to safeguarding the freedoms and liberty of Idahoans. They have a proven track record of ACTUAL conservative action.
Idaho Freedom Foundation IFF’s mission is to implement innovative ideas to deplete the power of special interests and free people from government dependency. Their Freedom Index scorecard of legislators is worth a look.
Idaho Legislative Prayer Caucus They are part of an unprecedented, nationwide movement of praying legislators and citizens that is sweeping the nation to preserve America’s spiritual heritage and protect individual religious liberty. You are invited to join them at the capitol steps every Thursday at 11 am for prayer during the legislative season.
Idaho Strong. Family Strong exists to help parents know when and how to effectively defend the family. With modern technology parents can have a powerful voice from their living room or from the seat of their tractor.
Madison Liberty Institute They “Champion the Cause of Liberty” in Idaho.
Magic Valley Parents 4 Safe Libraries “Empowering parents with insights into the potential risks associated with explicit content in children’s literature, and equipping them with the knowledge to navigate libraries and bookstores strategically, ensuring a selection of enriching and age-appropriate books for their children.”
Stand Up for Idaho They are a nonpartisan citizens’ organization advocating for the rights and liberties of all Idahoans. They meet every Wednesday (5:30-7:30 ish) at Snake River Event Center — Shilo Inn, 780 Lindsay Blvd, Idaho Falls.
Stop Idaho RINOs SIR is run by Idaho conservative patriots who are exposing Republicans who call themselves conservatives when they truly mean, “registered Republicans.”
United We Stand Idaho Located in Rupert, their mission is to inform, educate and network to keep Idaho unified and strong.
Values Advocacy Council Idaho VAC was founded in 2005 to be a voice for local pastors, churches and Christians in the marketplace of ideas, policy and legislation. They come alongside pastors and churches to help equip Christian citizens.
2023 Idaho Conservative Agenda Only a handful of GOP legislators actually support this agenda of restoring freedom, protecting families, lowering taxes, and less government.
The Republican Party platform See for yourself how far many in the GOP have abandoned or work against their own Party’s principles.
The Idaho Constitution You owe it to yourself to become familiar with your rights and the proper role of limits of our state’s government. Too many officials are counting on an uninformed citizenry.
Local law enforcement They are your best defense against federal overreach of your constitutional rights.
Gem State Patriot News is an independent news website with no connection or obligation to any other organization. “We report the news and offer interesting articles and opinions from people around the state of Idaho and the Pacific Northwest.”
Idaho Dispatch ID is a non-partisan platform designed to be your local media ally in Idaho. Their goal is to bring you political news without the personal bias, and cover stories other media outlets refuse to cover.
Idaho Tribune provides an independent conservative news the mainstream Idaho media will not cover.
Pocatello-Chubbuck Observer seeks to be a fair and objective portal, where readers can find the local, regional and national news, recent facts and entertainment.
Redoubt News is a news and opinion online publication which seeks to inform and educate citizens on important news stories from a perspective of individual liberty.
True Idaho News was founded to counter spin and false information. TIN covers local news, legislation, corruption, and healthcare.