Magic Valley Liberty AllianceImpact. Educate. Restore. 2025 Legislative Session War Room Magic Valley Voters Defeat Prop 1 Op-Eds Part 6: The Courage to Turn Your Angst into Action Local News Senator Jim Risch’s Bill to Bring Lava Ridge to a Standstill State News Draining Idaho’s Swamp: Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld Exposes Misappropriation of Public Funds MV RINO Problem Pandemonium! Cherry Picking the Rules! Messy Voting! Twin Falls County Republican Central Committee November Recap Events Please attend and share these events with others! Take Action Get Activist Training, Run for Office, Learn 110 Things You Can Do Now, and Support MVLA! About MVLA MVLA was founded to impact our local area, educate our community, and restore our liberties. MVLA Cartoons The latest relevant and sharable content from Hilber Nelson! Please take a moment to sign up for our email list. Get plugged in and start making a difference here in the Magic Valley! Sign Up Now!