Idaho State News

Woke Coeur d’Alene City Council Passes Draconian Hate Crime Ordinance

From Idaho Tribune On July 2, 2024, the City Council of Coeur d’Alene passed a hate crime ordinance. It’s essentially a mirror of the malicious harassment law in Idaho but laced with additional penalties to malign constitutionally minded citizens. It’s a simple way to put political opposition in a box that disagrees with socialists and […]

Idaho State News

Red States Urge SCOTUS To Uphold Idaho’s Transgender Surgery Ban

From Daily Wire, February 22, 2024 Republican-led states across the country are urging the Supreme Court to allow Idaho to enforce its ban on transgender medical treatments for children, issuing a fact-filled take-down of the burgeoning industry that cites The Daily Wire’s reporting to the high court. Nineteen Republican attorneys general told the Supreme Court […]

2024 Elections Articles

Meet David Leavitt, Candidate for State Representative Dist. 25 Seat B

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 3 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE?  I don’t believe that I was really prompted to run for office. I believe deep down that I have to serve my country again. It’s like a sense of duty that I can’t ignore, having experienced […]

2024 Elections

Meet Glenneda Zuiderveld, Incumbent State Senator, Dist. 24

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 2.15 minutes. WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR REELECTION? I am running for reelection out of a strong sense of duty to safeguard Idaho’s sovereignty, protect the liberties of my constituents, and preserve and defend our way of life for the generations that will come […]

2024 Elections Articles

Meet Ernie Cahala, Candidate for Lincoln County Sheriff

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 4 minutes. WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR LINCOLN COUNTY SHERIFF? I feel the people of Lincoln County deserve to be treated equally. The deputies need to have continual training in order to do their job proficiently. We need to crack down on drug issues […]

2024 Elections

Meet Josh Kohl, Candidate for State Senate Dist. 25

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 6 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE? I was born and raised in Idaho. I’m a son of a pastor and was raised in a family and community that held fast to the common conservative values that we all know and love; like […]

2024 Elections Articles

Meet Lyle Johnstone, Candidate for State Representative Dist. 26b

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 3 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE? The reason I am running for the Idaho legislature is my concern for Idaho’s children, Idaho’s water, and Idahoans’ hard-earned money. The people, the citizens of Idaho, are not being represented by the legislature. The citizens […]

2024 Elections

Meet Kally Schiffler, Candidate for State Representative Dist. 26a

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 4.5 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE? I was prompted to run for office when my granddaughters would comehome from the capitol — working as interns — and they would share with me different things that took place during their day and would […]

2024 Elections

Meet Andrew Easterday, Candidate for Twin Falls County Sheriff

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 3 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR SHERIFF? We’ve got Highway 93 running through the county, and it’s a bloodline for drugs. We’ve seen some deputies pull drugs off of 93, but that’s only because they’ve taken upon it themselves to get out find […]

2024 Elections

Meet Clint Hostetler, Candidate for State Representative Dist. 24a

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 6 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE? Shortly after arriving in Idaho back in 2021, I started to notice that something seemed a bit off. Things I had witnessed back in California decades ago were starting to creep into the Gem State. Policies […]

Articles Local News

An Open Letter to Magic Valley Shepherds

Woke radicals are coming for our families, our children, our churches, our freedoms, and our country. And they’re backed by major corporations, big tech and big media, and every department and agency within our government. Whether the Church will be found complicit, complacent, or courageous against these attacks depends on its shepherds doing the following: […]

Articles The Prepared Patriot

New White House “Food is Medicine” Program About Tracking and Control

The masterminds of Building Back Better are “reimagining” your food. To help you be a more Prepared Patriot, this timely article from Corey Digs reveals how this master plan is now laying the groundwork for tying together digital food tokens, a digital currency, vaccine ID passports, “medical meals”, data gathering to establish “produce prescriptions”, restrict […]

Articles Local News

Idaho’s Pride: Part Two

Idaho’s government is pushing pronoun surveys in public schools and funding gender transition therapy and drag shows for kids And what Magic Valley parents can do about it Editor’s note: Once again, our many thanks to Anna Miller, Dr Scott Yenor and Kaitlyn Shepherd of Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) for providing the references for this article. I urge […]

Articles Local News

Idaho’s Pride

PART ONE Despite what you’ve been told, Idaho’s government IS pushing radical sex ed curriculum, teaching ‘porn literacy’, hosting LGBT clubs in schools and funding gender transition therapy And it’s happening in Magic Valley schools Editor’s note: Our many thanks to Anna Miller, Dr Scott Yenor and Kaitlyn Shepherd of Idaho Freedom Foundation for providing […]

Articles Local News

Must-Watch: Best-Ever Presentation on The Great Reset

October 20, 2022 College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls In this presentation by Alex Newman, journalist, author and senior editor of The New American magazine, Newman exposes the diabolical ideology and masterminds behind The Great Reset: Project from Hell. What you are about to watch is so outlandish and creepy, Newman presents video clips, quotes, […]