Articles Stop Ranked Choice Voting

Idaho Signal Special Presentation: Ranked-Choice Voting

Featuring Magic Valley’s Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld, Idaho GOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon and Phil Izon, a leading expert on Ranked Choice Voting. Click here to watch. Visit Phil Izon’s website to view his debates on RCV and purchase his books. Read Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador’s Lawsuit Against Ranked Choice Voting here. The AG’s office filed […]

Stop Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked Choice Voting Truth

By Dorothy Moon, Idaho GOP Chairwoman, July 3, 2024 They lied to get it on the ballot. Now it is time for the truth. Paid signature gatherers have been traveling the state over the past year, telling people that their new initiative will result in open primaries, re-enfranchise voters, and create a more fair and […]

Stop Ranked Choice Voting

Exposing Ranked Choice Voting

WATCH: Dorothy Moon Exposes Ranked Choice Voting! Watch the video below or Click Here

2024 Elections

Magic Valley Citizens Vote for Change

From Idaho Freedom Caucus, By Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld, Dist. 24, May 28, 2024 In the recent primary election, the citizens of Legislative Districts 24 and 25 have decisively voiced their desire for change. This election has been a testament to the spirit of democracy, with three young candidates, new to public office, stepping forward alongside […]

2024 Elections Articles

Post Election Roundup

From Stop Idaho RINOs, May 23, 2024 The GOOD and the BAD If you paid attention to the entire state, you should be feeling VERY GOOD about the direction. The quick of it is, the Senate gained 2 conservatives and the House gained 5(ish) conservatives. (Of course their votes will prove it or not). Not […]

2024 Elections Articles

Meet David Leavitt, Candidate for State Representative Dist. 25 Seat B

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 3 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE?  I don’t believe that I was really prompted to run for office. I believe deep down that I have to serve my country again. It’s like a sense of duty that I can’t ignore, having experienced […]

2024 Elections

Meet Glenneda Zuiderveld, Incumbent State Senator, Dist. 24

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 2.15 minutes. WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR REELECTION? I am running for reelection out of a strong sense of duty to safeguard Idaho’s sovereignty, protect the liberties of my constituents, and preserve and defend our way of life for the generations that will come […]

2024 Elections Articles

Meet Ernie Cahala, Candidate for Lincoln County Sheriff

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 4 minutes. WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR LINCOLN COUNTY SHERIFF? I feel the people of Lincoln County deserve to be treated equally. The deputies need to have continual training in order to do their job proficiently. We need to crack down on drug issues […]

2024 Elections

Meet Josh Kohl, Candidate for State Senate Dist. 25

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 6 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE? I was born and raised in Idaho. I’m a son of a pastor and was raised in a family and community that held fast to the common conservative values that we all know and love; like […]

2024 Elections Articles

Meet Lyle Johnstone, Candidate for State Representative Dist. 26b

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 3 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE? The reason I am running for the Idaho legislature is my concern for Idaho’s children, Idaho’s water, and Idahoans’ hard-earned money. The people, the citizens of Idaho, are not being represented by the legislature. The citizens […]

2024 Elections

Meet Kally Schiffler, Candidate for State Representative Dist. 26a

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 4.5 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE? I was prompted to run for office when my granddaughters would comehome from the capitol — working as interns — and they would share with me different things that took place during their day and would […]

2024 Elections

Meet Andrew Easterday, Candidate for Twin Falls County Sheriff

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 3 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR SHERIFF? We’ve got Highway 93 running through the county, and it’s a bloodline for drugs. We’ve seen some deputies pull drugs off of 93, but that’s only because they’ve taken upon it themselves to get out find […]

2024 Elections

Meet Clint Hostetler, Candidate for State Representative Dist. 24a

2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series Approximate reading time: 6 minutes WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO RUN FOR OFFICE? Shortly after arriving in Idaho back in 2021, I started to notice that something seemed a bit off. Things I had witnessed back in California decades ago were starting to creep into the Gem State. Policies […]

2024 Elections Articles

Why Your Vote in the Magic Valley May 2024 Primary Election is Vital to Keeping Idaho Red

How your vote in May counts the most
How RINOs are turning Idaho blue
List of May primary candidates for state and Magic Valley races