Articles The Prepared Patriot

Countering Cognitive Dissonance

We created The Prepared Patriot Series to help you and your loved ones stay physically, mentally, and spiritually grounded in our post Constitution, post Christian America.  This week the focus is on staying mentally fit in our woke-saturated world, with its open hostility of anyone who does not bow to their brand of reality, moral […]

Articles Idaho State News

Yes to a Special Session on Taxes and Wokeism

By Wayne Hoffman Idaho Freedom Foundation August 13, 2022 I understand that Gov. Brad Little is considering calling legislators back to town to cut taxes. That’s an excellent idea. There is no reason in the world that our hard-earned money should sit unused in the state treasury.  Moreover, with a $2 billion budget surplus — […]

Articles Local News

UPDATE: Stop Lava Ridge & Salmon Falls Wind Projects

Stop Lava Ridge is a group of Magic Valley citizens organized to oppose the Lava Ridge Wind Turbine Project (read more about the project here. Formed by Dean Dimond, John Arkoosh, Karen Rogerson, Janet Keegan, and Perry VanTassell, their mission is to “educate people about the project, share ways people can help stop the project, […]

Articles The Prepared Patriot

Are You Prepared for the Coming Food Shortages?

Are you prepared for the coming food shortages? And sky-high prices? As if Biden-flation and shrink-flation weren’t bad enough, now comes food-flation. Being prepared starts with becoming aware, followed by taking effective action BEFORE you find yourself caught in a crisis. Here are several headlines from just the past week or so. June 17: Soaring […]

Articles The Prepared Patriot

Preparing for the Last Stage of the Tyrannical Takeover

Being prepared begins with being aware, so you can avoid being caught off guard. Dr. Naomi Wolf’s new book, The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human” nails the war against humans. Magic Valley patriots need to take courage and exhibit bravery to stand up to the Technocrats who are […]

Articles The Prepared Patriot

Rules for Patriots: An Instruction Manual

The Left has its playbook, Saul Alinsky’s infamous Rules for Radicals. Now patriots have theirs. Endorsed by a who’s who of the conservative movement, Rules for Patriots by Steve Deace sets forth ten commandments to combat the Left. Here are four: Never trust Republicrats. Never accept the premise of your opponent’s argument. Never surrender the […]

Articles COVID-19 The Prepared Patriot

Economist Whistleblower Who Predicted Covid Tyranny Breaks Down How to Fight the Next Lockdown

Being prepared for a crisis begins with being informed so you can take action now, before it’s too late. Economist Edward Dowd joins The Alex Jones Show to break down what we should expect from the monkeypox push and the next possible lockdown.

Articles The Prepared Patriot

Don’t Burn This Country: Surviving and Thriving Our Woke Dystopia

Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report and author of Don’t Burn This Book, offers up a practical and uplifting guide to reviving the American dream in your community, and keeping your cool while the woke mob tries to burn down the country.

Articles Idaho State News National News

Oppose the World Health Organization’s Global Health Mandates

Sign the Declaration of Opposition to the International Health Regulations Amendment to stop W.H.O.’s power grab of our nation’s sovereignty and your rights The W.H.O. global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness would grant the W.H.O. absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical […]

Articles Idaho State News

The Great Reset of Food: Exposing the World Health Organization’s Globalist Takeover of Our Food System Now Underway

“Who controls the food supply controls the people.” – Henry Kissinger At MVLA, we know that alert and engaged citizens must be also prepared for emergencies if they are going to remain free. In this MUST WATCH video, “NEW Controlled Food System Is Now In Place And They Will Stop At Nothing To Accelerate Their […]

Articles Idaho State News Local Elections

Globalism vs State Sovereignty – The Choice is Yours on Tuesday!

The Idaho gravy train party has been teaming with large “woke” corporations, billionaires, lobby groups, social media tycoons and yes, democrats, to try to retain control of Idaho and fully implement a global plan. If you are having trouble viewing this email CLICK HERE Are you ready for Idaho to go “woke,” be forced to wear […]

Articles Idaho State News

The Lava Ridge Wind Turbine Project

The Green Elephant in Southern Idaho By Hilber Nelson, MVLA, with Diana Nielsen Imagine:  You are driving from the Magic Valley to Craters of the Moon to camp under the stars. About 20 miles out of town, instead of encountering the wide open vistas that are the hallmark of Idaho, you find yourself driving through […]

Articles Local News

Agenda 2030 in the Magic Valley, and How to Fight Back

“Americans are at a crossroads. We must make a choice. We have to decide whether we are going to go the way of China and twenty-first century fascism or pursue the promise of our forefathers.”
-Glenn Beck

Articles Idaho State News

Leftists Won the 2022 Idaho Legislative Session

“Don’t let a small tax break or the passage of an abortion or gun bill trick you into believing otherwise.”

Articles Idaho State News

Idaho Swamp Report

As we wind down the 2022 legislative session, its seems like there is no end of bad bills and freedom devouring legislation being rammed through in the last hours.  We as a state have never before faced such an onslaught of bad ideas designed to strengthen the grip of control by government while narrowing your freedoms.  One particular disgusting action being perpetrated by our own republican controlled Senate is their overt lack of concern to protect our young children and their families.