Local News

GOOD NEWS: Lava Ridge Wind Project Plan to Be Delayed

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Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, Congressman Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), announced in a press release today that the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the 1,050 page Consolidated Appropriations Act 2024 which calls for a pause in the implementation of the plan by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) within the U.S. Department of the Interior to install thousands of wind turbines in southern Idaho.

The Idaho Dispatch brought you details of the proposed project and BLM’s plans here and here. Read more.

A Real David vs Goliath Story: Interview with Diana Nielsen of Stop Lava Ridge

Click here to listen to this 37 min. podcast, march 6, 2024

 Diana’s Call to Action: Idaho State Capital, Friday April 26th, Noon to 3:30pm

The Magic Valley risks losing its way of life.

I need eight people who are willing to talk 10 to 15 minutes about this subject to help Stop Lava Ridge and the abuse of power in Western States.  This is a grass root effort. We do not have financial resources, but we have our time and voices. Please make time. Bring signs and your neighbors with you.  If you don’t want to bring a sign, I want to see you next to me with my sign.  Please RSVP to if you are interested in speaking.