2024 Republican Primary Magic Valley Candidate Series
Approximate reading time: 6 minutes
Shortly after arriving in Idaho back in 2021, I started to notice that something seemed a bit off. Things I had witnessed back in California decades ago were starting to creep into the Gem State. Policies were being pushed that were in direct opposition to the solid red state that I had believed we had moved to. On top of that, many of our elected leaders appeared compromised, voting against the values they claimed to hold to. Almost three years later it has become clear that we are watching the quick erosion of not only family values, but also the slow eroding of our safety and liberties. Radical liberal agendas have infiltrated the culture here, all by deception and through the trojan horses of industry, growth and the like.

Thankfully, after meeting with our fantastic Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld (Dist. 24), I was encouraged, realizing we did in fact still have strong conservative leadership fighting for our families and freedoms. And, after much prayer and consideration, I know it is not only my duty, but the Lord’s will that I join this battle in pushing back the poisonous policies and ideologies that are going after our families, liberties and children. There is a sense of urgency needed moving forward, but with awareness and diligence we can make a difference to preserve those essentials of constitutional liberties and conservative values that make our families and state strong.
I am a true conservative. Family values, individual liberties, lower taxes, smaller government, free market principles, these are the fundamentals to the “American Dream”, and these are the foundations that I will be fighting for and on. If you look at the voting record of my opponent, who runs as a “conservative republican” by the way, you see quite the opposite. I don’t see republican values, let alone conservative ones. This is a big deal. I don’t know her personally and I’m sure she is a nice person, but now more than ever, we need leadership with strength of conviction to stand on truth, not caving to an overreaching federal government or global corporate interests.
Faith, family and freedom are the principles that shape my world view. Should I get elected, you’ll know what I am standing for and on, and I will represent the will of the people without deception or manipulation. If the people want to continue to see our small businesses being smothered out by large corporations and their interests, I’m not the guy. If the people want to continue to see our children be “groomed” or “socialized” versus being educated and prepared for the world that awaits them, I’m not the guy. If the people want to continue to see more vaccine or mask mandates, lockdowns, open borders, or out of control spending and inflation, then I’m not the guy. And if the people want to continue to see an overall assault against our families, constitutional rights, and traditional American values and culture, I’m definitely not the guy.
How Idaho Assoc. of Commerce & Industry is turning Idaho Blue
By Magic Valley Liberty Alliance
We need leadership that can see what is coming and be prepared to stand fast against the confusion and deception of global corporatism that is eating away at our way of life. Leadership who won’t bow the knee to the corporate dollar, compromised institutions, or the federal government and their economic “incentives” or intimidation. I am that guy.
My main objectives are the fundamentals. Preserving those ideologies that are inherent to what America is and what made her, her people and families great. If elected, I’ll be fighting along side many of the other constitutional conservatives who are out to make sure we are not only representing the will of the people here in Idaho, but holding our peers accountable for any over reach or irresponsible behavior. My goal in representing the people is to make sure we are not being bombarded from without our border with policies or ideologies that do not represent our way of life, culture or best interests here in the Magic Valley and state-wide. These policies come down from our federal government as well as “unelected elites” in global institutions who think they know what is best for the world, but have no voice or place here in Idaho.
I believe some of the areas we need to be most proactive in fighting for and protecting are the 1st and 10th amendments, both of which effect our overall family and economic strength. Take the 1st Amendment for example, it is the capstone to the democracy that preserves our constitutional republic. Without it we can’t speak freely, or choose not to speak freely. We can’t worship who or what we hold sacred, or have the freedom to not worship who or what we don’t want to. There is no freedom of press, or assembly or petition without it. Those three allow us the ability to be informed, and inform, assembling for whatever reason with the ability to petition our government, ensuring they remain a government of, by and for the people. This amendment is first for a reason, and we have been witnessing an outright assault on it for quite some time, which was never more evident than after the Covid years and 2020 election.
Then you have the 10th Amendment, or our states’ rights. As I said, we are seeing an outright push from entities outside of Idaho’s borders trying to impose their will and agenda on us, and this cannot continue. Whether it be the federal government, the United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF), initiatives, regulations or mandates, I’ll fight to strengthen our borders and rights within our state to decide what is best for Idaho and the people who elect me. We alone should be choosing our values and dictating our way of life and pursuits of happiness.
I know we are in a crucial point in our nation’s history, and I believe Idaho represents the “last stand” for our nation in many ways. This battle we are in appears social or political on the surface, but at its core it is truly one of a spiritual nature, and it is going to take people of faith and conviction to stand and fight. I have a great burden for not only my family, but our people and our future, and should I be elected, that would equate to a greater responsibility. This responsibility I would not take lightly.
I own my own business, have served in everybody that I have fellowshipped in since being saved in 2011, and my greatest call as a husband and father will always come first, so I am not out for fame, money or power. I am doing this because of the reasons listed above and because I have been called to it. I have been “behind enemy lines” and I know what is coming. I know how they infiltrate, the language and emotional deception they use, and how they fight. I am prepared and equip for this battle, and I hope to earn your vote come May 21st. Thank you!
Website: www.clintforidaho.com
Email: clint@clintforidaho.com
Phone: 208-207-8514
Remember to vote in the Republican Primary Tuesday May 21st

3 replies on “Meet Clint Hostetler, Candidate for State Representative Dist. 24a”
I was extremely impressed with the write up on Clinton Hostetler. This young man seems to know what is important apparently has values that represent Christian views and is extremely interested in maintaining our constitutional rights. It is my opinion that voting for this young man would be an ideal choice for Idaho.
Please visit our Events Page, where you will find upcoming MVLA Meet & Greets for March and April for all Magic Valley liberty minded candidates. Share with others. See you there.
I am voting for Kally Schiffler… I have known her father & mother-law since we moved to Idaho in 1980…Kally will stand steadfast for what is righteous. What a beautiful thing to hear that it was her granddaughters sharing with her that touched her heart to serve God & country as State Representative 26A … I will do all I can to spread the word. Praying for you! Hallelujah 😊