Articles Ranked Choice Voting

Idaho Signal Special Presentation: Ranked-Choice Voting

Featuring Magic Valley’s Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld, Idaho GOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon and Phil Izon, a leading expert on Ranked Choice Voting. Click here to watch. Visit Phil Izon’s website to view his debates on RCV and purchase his books. Read Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador’s Lawsuit Against Ranked Choice Voting here. The AG’s office filed […]

Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked Choice Voting Truth

By Dorothy Moon, Idaho GOP Chairwoman, July 3, 2024 They lied to get it on the ballot. Now it is time for the truth. Paid signature gatherers have been traveling the state over the past year, telling people that their new initiative will result in open primaries, re-enfranchise voters, and create a more fair and […]

Ranked Choice Voting

Exposing Ranked Choice Voting

WATCH: Dorothy Moon Exposes Ranked Choice Voting! Watch the video below or Click Here