Articles The Prepared Patriot

Are You Prepared for the Coming Food Shortages?

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Are you prepared for the coming food shortages? And sky-high prices? As if Biden-flation and shrink-flation weren’t bad enough, now comes food-flation. Being prepared starts with becoming aware, followed by taking effective action BEFORE you find yourself caught in a crisis.

Here are several headlines from just the past week or so.

June 17: Soaring diesel prices could cause food shortages, farmers warned this week

June 16:  “We are teetering on the edge”: food shortage worries mount as PA farms “crushed” by record diesel prices

June 15:  Food shortages could be as deadly as the next pandemic

June 14:  Idahoans buying more generic-brand foods, changing stores, giving up non-essential groceries

Intentional, or just a coincidence?

June 11: Food processing plants burning down all over the world, as Europe, Australia prepare for fuel rationing

June 6: Why are so many food processing plants burning to the ground all over America just as the threat of food shortages are increasing?

Prepare now!

There are dozens of emergency food/water and supply storage websites to choose from. Many sites also offer tips for helping you plan.  Here are just three. Do your own homework. Make a plan with your loved ones. Stock up now.

Ready Squirrel: 16 ways to prepare for food shortages

My Patriot Supply:  Survival Supplies & Emergency Preparedness Gear

Buyers Guide: Best emergency food supply reviews — 2022

The New Survivalist: How to prepare for a food shortage: a fool-proof guide

Next week: Spiritual preparedness