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Announcing: Idaho First Agenda

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By Rep. Elect Clint Hostetler, Dist. 24, August 9, 2024

After the big primary win in May by our MVLA candidates from District 24 and 25, known as the “Magic Valley Miracle,” an announcement was made to form what is being known as the Idaho First Agenda. As stated in the first press release, the purpose of forming this “agenda” was in response to the call and mandate of the people. We wanted to put in place a process of communication and accountability that would serve as a reminder for the four of us who have been granted this opportunity to represent our people here in the Magic Valley and great state of Idaho. Not only that, but as we see our world and nation unraveling around us, we believe it is imperative that we put Idaho first in all we do, building up our state to withstand the impending geo-political storms of the future. So what is the Idaho First Agenda really all about?

Sen. Elect Joshua Kohl, Dist 25. Rep. Elect David Leavitt, Dist. 25. Rep. Elect Clint Hostetler, Dist. 24. Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld, Dist. 24

Let’s break it down a bit further:
The Agenda
It serves as just that…an agenda. The messaging and focus around all of our campaigns was that of true conservative values and ideologies in stark contrast to our opponents. Therefore, by creating an agenda we are committing to a mission. Our goal is to create legislation reflecting those same messages and conservative ideologies. We will work towards crafting, endorsing, pushing and voting for conservative legislation that better serves our people, families, and state.

  • We are out to pass bills that preserve our God-given constitutional rights and individual liberties.
  • Protecting our children, families, and communities from radical ideologies that seek to unravel our nation one family at a time.
  • We are going to secure our water, land, farms, borders and elections from the grasp of an increasingly corrupt federal government and global entities who look to dismantle the stability of our constitutional republic and state.
  • And we will fight to limit the overreach of any government entity eroding our economic strength, be it local, state or federal.

As we begin our mission in Boise, we must maintain correspondence! Just like any true relationship, it takes work, trust, and time, all revolving around communication. It is you who worked tirelessly for us, voted for us, and ultimately who we are accountable to! We are committed, not only to our conservative agenda, but also in keeping the lines of communication open with our people. We want you to know what is going on in Boise, while also listening to your concerns here at home. Only then can we truly represent you. This movement, a true conservative revolution, revolves around getting to know our neighbors and those in our community in order to convey the truth of the issues at hand.

Our whole campaign season, election victory, and really politics in general, can be summed up by one word…messaging. Whether it be educating the public, articulating a position, or re-iterating the facts and truth around conservative values, messaging is paramount. While the enemy continues his mission to divide and conquer with lies and deception, we will continue to proclaim the truth. Yes, the Idaho First Agenda is a legislative mission to better our state, it is a commitment to communication for the sake of trust and accountability, but it is also a perpetual messaging campaign around truth in action. Do we know what we believe and why we believe it? Are we living it out and proclaiming it to others? We must, if we are going to make any progress for the conservative movement. 

So, there you have it. We are implementing a three-pronged mission of legislation, communication, and messaging, each one building on the other and affirming the truths and values of what we stand for. The positions we have been called to, and are honored to receive, are not taken lightly. We will preserve, protect, secure and limit where necessary for the good of our state. This is how we bolster the conservative ranks and create a more prosperous and secure state of Idaho for our families and future! 

Thank you again for your prayers and support!  

Clint Hostetler – Representative Elect D24 Email: Phone: 208-207-8514.

Josh Kohl – Senator Elect D25 Email: Phone: 208-610-8086.

David Leavitt – Representative Elect D25 Email: Phone: 208-358-0203.

Glenneda Zuiderveld – State Senator D24 Email: Phone: 208-280-0716.

P.S. As the 2025 legislative season approaches, stay tuned for more information, legislation and other details about the Idaho First Agenda! Website coming soon!