Should we be concerned about the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 being implemented here locally? What is Agenda 2030 really all about? Is there evidence of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at work here in Idaho and in the Magic Valley? Is the United Nations pressuring local governments to implement their policy goals in Idaho, with or without input from the local electorate? Are we facing a future of ‘Building Back Better’ here in Magic Valley?
In this three part article, these questions will be addressed to provide you with critical information to effectively counter Agenda 2030’s nefarious goals (ie. know your enemy) and encroachment on your personal liberties.
Part I details the background, history and scope of Agenda 2030.
Part II zeroes in on Agenda 2030’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Part III focuses on how Agenda 2030 SDGs are being implemented in Idaho and the Magic Valley and offers a practical action plan to resist ‘Build Back Better.’

Part I: Understanding Agenda 2030
By Liz Niccum
A Google search for Agenda 2030 lists websites that attempt to generally define it as an “Agenda for the 21st Century for freeing the world from poverty, hunger, disease, want, fear, violence, unfairness, repression, unclean water, unsafe food and a lack of affordable, sustainable energy.” From this ambitious, utopian list of noble wants for a world mired in corruption and despair, there is much more to Agenda 2030 than virtuous sounding catchphrases of humanitarian ideals. As you about to see, the devil is in the deep details and history of this effort.
Agenda 2030 began as Agenda 21 in 1992 at the United Nation’s Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, an event which consisted of 50,000 delegates from various countries, many heads of state, diplomats and representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) meeting to discuss implementation of their vision to solve the world’s problems. The Agenda 21 document that emerged from this foundational meeting was hailed as a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society” and detailed the global program’s purposes and goals. A United Nations-approved introduction to the Agenda 21 explicitly stated that:
“Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced. A major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.”
With this frightening totalitarian goal of completely reorienting all of human society in mind, what spurred this event and document to happen in the first place? From the standpoint of globalists and zealous environmentalists, there are simply too many consuming humans for planet earth to support or – more truthfully – for the globalists to “manage”. Globalist elites have the stated goal of establishing a New World Order for the nations on earth including the United States. Environmentalists with religious earth-worshiping fervor, have for decades pushed for reducing the impact of humans in the name of protecting the environment. Both movements favor population reduction and population control to achieve their goals and decades ago they came together in Brazil.
Globalists are utilizing the environmentalists’ call to save the earth from humanity as a facade for their totalitarian control agenda. Tragically, many facets of these movements have made their way into this nation. Through gradual infiltration of educational institutions, media and entertainment, churches and government at all levels, multiple generations of citizens are now indoctrinated with ideas that counter the basic Christian principles of our Founders. The tragic result is the erosion of our national sovereignty, the weakening of our culture and identity, and steering the population to give up their rights and accept socialism with the final step: assimilation into a one world government.
Agenda 2030’s Origins
For many decades, the push for global marxism/socialism has resulted in many nations becoming participants and some becoming totalitarian nightmares like China, Venezuela and Cuba (examples for the world to see). Leaders of this global movement knew the United States Constitutional Republic was a major roadblock to their success so they helped globalists into power like President Woodrow Wilson. During his presidency in 1913, he helped to undermine the Republic through passage of the 16th Amendment to institute a federal income tax, the 17th Amendment to remove appointment of Senators by the States thereby destroying the balance of power between the federal government and the States, and the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act to create a central private bank and afterwards institute a fiat currency system.
All of these have greatly contributed to the massive transfer of wealth and power, destruction of the dollar, and major weakening of the States and dependency on the federal government leading to a massive welfare system to entrap and weaken citizens and families.
To ensure the United States stayed on this destructive course, they later established the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921 in New York City to help “steer” the the United States. away from its isolationist, non-interventionist, pro-American policies towards globalism by providing CFR members for state department positions no matter who was president (ie. deep state). Wars were started and fought to push nations into accepting a system of global governance. Following World War I, The League of Nations was offered as a solution to end war through global government but was rejected by the United States. It took World War II to finally establish the United Nations as a solution to end global war and set up the foundation for a one world government system. Over the years, the United Nations adopted the rising movement of environmentalism in the name of saving the planet from climate change as a tool to push globalism. But like a watermelon, it may be green on the outside, however red communism and global tyranny is at the center.
The Trojan Horse of Environmentalism
Environmentalism was first brought to life in this country at the turbulent end of the 60’s as part of the emerging New Age movement. Environmental awareness became central in impressionable minds of many baby boomers primarily fueled by two pivotal, controversial books: Silent Spring by Rachel Carson and The Population Bomb by Paul R. Ehrlich. Both books painted a bleak future of environmental doom based on hyperbole and many false assumptions and rallied the urgent need for government action to save the earth. This movement was epitomized with the establishment of Earth Day and the creation of the freedom destroying Environmental Protection Agency in 1970. In addition, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment met in Stockholm in 1972, being the first worldwide environmental meeting of industrial nations to address the problems of air pollution between bordering countries. This took place exactly 20 years before the Earth Summit meeting in Rio de Janeiro.
This initial conference put in motion a blur of United Nations actions including establishing new environmental organizations and the development of several significant treaties and conventions on climate change, biological diversity, forests, and the production of an environmental bill of rights for all people called the Earth Charter. In 1983, the World Commission on Environment and Development (also known as the Brundtland Commission) convened to address environmental deterioration, depletion of natural resources and the impact on society. The term “sustainable development” was coined in the published report (1987), Our Common Future, from this event which means to promote economic growth while protecting the environment for future generations. This report was instrumental in laying the international groundwork for the Earth Summit.
Agenda 21
The 400-page document called Agenda 21 was put together prior to the Earth Summit and spelled out all the necessary policies, laws, institutional arrangements, and financing to execute the provisions of these and other treaties and conventions. What came out of the Earth Summit was the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change which moved participating nations towards accepting sustainable development goals and developing an agreement on climate change called The Kyoto Protocol which aimed at reducing CO2 emissions from industrialized nations. This protocol was rejected by the United States because of its negative restrictions on the energy production portion of the U.S. economy.
The march towards implementing these restrictions immediately stumbled a bit after the United States rejected it, but global environmentalists were undaunted and continued to move forward worldwide, eventually leading to the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change (2015). The goal of the treaty is to significantly reduce CO2 gas emissions to limit the increase of the global average temperature in this century to 2 degrees. Many of the emission reductions for participating nations target the year 2030 to have them reached. Nations such as China and India were not required to meet such reductions President Obama used an executive order in 2015 to sign this treaty. President Trump withdrew from it in 2020 but President Biden signed it as his first priority in 2021. The UN Sustainable Development Summit was held in New York in 2015, attended by over 150 world leaders, to hash out Sustainable Development Goals for the world, basically repackaging Agenda 21 as Agenda 2030. 2030 is the goal year to have the world ‘transformed’ through sustainable development.
Liz Niccum is the Twin Falls Chapter Leader of the John Birch Society. You can reach her at
Part II: Agenda 2030’s Sustainable Development Goals
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3 replies on “United Nations Agenda 2030 is ‘Building Back Better’ in the Magic Valley”
[…] Part I detailed the background, history and scope of Agenda 2030. […]
[…] deeper: Click here to read MVLA’s recent articles on Agenda 2030, and click here to read about Agenda 2030’s […]
[…] deeper: Click here to read MVLA’s recent articles on Agenda 2030, and click here to read about Agenda […]