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Agenda 2030 in the Magic Valley, and How to Fight Back

“Americans are at a crossroads. We must make a choice. We have to decide whether we are going to go the way of China and twenty-first century fascism or pursue the promise of our forefathers.”
-Glenn Beck

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United Nations Agenda 2030 is ‘Building Back Better’ in the Magic Valley

Part I detailed the background, history and scope of Agenda 2030.

Part II zeroed in on Agenda 2030’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Part III focuses on how Agenda 2030 SDGs are being implemented in Idaho and the Magic Valley and offers a practical action plan to resist ‘Build Back Better.’

After having read Parts I and II, you might be thinking, “Since Agenda 2030 is not legally binding, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are just goals, SDGs won’t really affect me. So, why should I care?” What you are about to read will shock you at just how far reaching Agenda 2030 SDGs have already infiltrated your life, and are transforming our ‘conservative’ state – and the Magic Valley – with direct help from Idaho’s Democrats and so-called Republicans. And all without your knowledge, your consent or your vote.

But don’t stay shocked. That only leads to helplessness and succumbing to the serf mentality today’s globalists are counting on to take total control of your life. Once the stars of shock fade from your eyes, I urge you to fight back. For that, I have provided you with some practical steps you can take in your community to keep Idaho from further infiltration.

City of Twin Falls  

While Agenda 2030’s SDG #11 Sustainable Cities & Communities claims to be about making “cities safe, resilient and sustainable”, a deeper examination reveals the reality of how those lofty buzzwords translate into high-density cities.

In my review of the City’s GROW WITH US’ Twin Falls Vision 2030 Comprehensive Plan for a sustainable Future, adopted in 2016, I came across this Agenda 2030 language:

Land Use Policy 3.3: Encourage a suitable minimum level of development compactness and density within mixed use developments to increase opportunities for shared parking facilities, the creation of public gathering spaces and open lands.

Land Use Action 3.3-1: Update zoning code to allow higher density in appropriate zones.

Housing Policy 1.2: Encourage the development of higher density housing in and around the Downtown area.

‘Vision’ vs reality: Above is the conceptual rendering of ‘higher density’ development as envisioned by the City’s ‘GROW WITH US’ Comprehensive Plan, and a photo of the six-story mixed-use building on Main Street in downtown Twin Falls by Summit Creek Development, Ketchum, Idaho. Their website boasts, “Summit Creek Development is your partner in growing the future of Southern Idaho, while preserving the roots of the past.” Does this look like ‘preserving the roots of the past’ to you?

It’s no coincidence that ‘GROW WITH US’ Twin Falls Vision 2030 Comprehensive Plan for a Sustainable Future has a Diversity & Inclusion Committee. This Committee participated in the  development of the City’s 2020-2024 Five Year Consolidated Plan to meet Agenda 2030 sacred goals of equality, inclusion and equity. Pages 30-39 are devoted to ‘disproportionately greater needs’ based on race and ethnicity: 

This section assesses the housing needs of racial and ethnic groups at various income levels in comparison to the needs at that income level as a whole. The purpose of this assessment is to identify if any racial or ethnic group has disproportionately greater needs than all other groups at this income level. According to HUD, a disproportionately greater need exists when members of a racial or ethnic group at a given income level experience housing problems at a greater rate (10 percentage points or more) than the income level as a whole.


This section assesses the housing needs of racial and ethnic groups at various income levels in comparison to the needs at that income level as a whole. The purpose of this assessment is to identify if any racial or ethnic group has disproportionately greater needs than all other groups at this income level. According to HUD, a disproportionately greater need exists when members of a racial or ethnic group at a given income level experience housing problems at a greater rate (10 percentage points or more) than the income level as a whole.

Community Development Block Grants

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Agency (HUD) Community Development Block Grants is a key implementation tool of Agenda 2030’s SDG goal of ‘sustainable urbanization’. To further Agenda 2030 values of diversity and inclusion, HUD demands the following from communities, like Twin Falls, when applying for grants:

  • First, HUD forces the community to complete an “Assessment of Fair Housing” to identify all “contributing factors” to discrimination. These include a complete breakdown of race, income levels, religion, and national origin of every single person living there. They use this information to determine if the neighborhood meets a preset “balance,” determined by HUD.
  • Second, HUD demands a detailed plan showing how the community intends to eliminate the “contributing factors” to this “imbalance.”
  • Once the plan is prepared, then the community is required to sign an agreement to take no actions that are “materially inconsistent with its obligation to affirmatively further fair housing.”

In 2020 the City of Twin Falls received Community Development Block Grants from HUD, “To understand local needs related to housing, economic and community development, and homelessness, the City is working to develop a Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. These plans are required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).” Little wonder, then, why the City created a Diversity and Inclusion Committee to meet HUD requirements. The 2021 CDBG budget total was $361,790. To read up on the last few C.D.B.G. requests made by the Twin Falls City Council, click here.

Deceptive Legislation

In my recent article, Siphoning Idaho’s Water to the Globalists, I revealed how legislators and state agencies are handing Idaho’s water and land rights into the hands of Agenda 2030’s federal operators to meet SDG #15 LIFE ON LAND and SDG #6 CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION. Here’s a simplified overview of who the main players are – and how they are getting away with it.

Idaho Department of Water Resources adopted an Idaho State Water Comprehensive Plan in 2012 with UN Agenda 2030 ‘sustainability’ language in it. 

IDEQ (Idaho Department of Environmental Quality) claims they exist to protect human health and the quality of Idaho’s air, land and water.” Sadly, they are deferring to IDAPA.

IDAPA (Idaho Department of Administration Procedures Act) oversees rules of procedure passed by the legislature that govern State Agencies, including the Idaho Department of Water Resources. IDAPA has been quietly inserting EPA-friendly federal laws into Idaho law. By replacing “obsolete” Idaho Code with IDAPA rules, Idaho’s legislators, in essence, are unwittingly assisting in the transfer of Idaho’s sovereign water rights into the hands of EPA regulators. 

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations are integrated with UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for water quality. Proof of this lies in the Memorandum of Understanding Between the EPA and the United Nations Environment Program signed in 2021.  ‘Cooperation’ by the EPA, in essence, means EPA is fully on board with implementing Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in every state.

Idaho ‘Partnerships’

Non government agencies (NGOs)

 NGOs operating in Idaho are major players in advancing Agenda 2030. SDG #17 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS are alive and well-entrenched in Idaho — all in the name of “promoting global citizenship” Often operating quietly behind the scenes as “private-public partnerships,” NGOs are Agenda 2030’s environmentalist and socialist change agents at the behest of Idaho-based corporations, Democrats and RINO Republicans (Republicans In Name Only).

You owe it to yourself to read researcher Karen Schumacher’s article NGO in Redoubt News, where she examines NGO ‘partners’ in Idaho and how they are implementing Agenda 2030 in Idaho. She writes:

NGOs in Idaho are notorious for presenting themselves as “collaborators” with Idaho citizens when in truth they favor NGO members from other groups, allow individuals outside of jurisdictional boundaries to participate in decisions that should be made only by citizens within a jurisdiction, dismiss citizen input, re-frame ideas to hide what is really being done, while all along playing a game of we are getting along and being inclusive of all opinions.

There is no better example of the crony “partnerships” between NGOs and Agenda 2030-friendly Idaho corporations than with the Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry (IACI)

Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry

To see for yourself how IACI’s Idaho Prosperity Fund (IPF) funnels woke corporate monies into Agenda 2030-friendly RINO and Democrat candidates and incumbents, read my article, How IACI is Turning Idaho Blue. IACI’s corporate members include Bayer, Blue Cross of Idaho, Clearwater Paper, Idaho Forest Group, Idaho Power, Intermountain Gas, Micron, Potlatch, JR Simplot, St Luke’s. See the full list here.

By the way, IACI is a major campaign contributor to Magic Valley’s RINO Republicans: Rep. Laurie Lickley, Rep. Linda Hartgen, Rep. Clark Kauffman, Sen. Jim Partrick, and Sen. Lee Heider. Don’t take my word for it. You can see for yourself their Democrat-friendy voting record at Idaho Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Index.

National Governors Association

The National Governors Association, of which Gov. Brad Little is a member, announced in 2018 a new partnership with the World Economic Forum. Through WEF Centre, Little receives “expert advice” on the best ways to “prepare for future innovation.” Murat Sönmez, Head of the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network, stated, “The National Governors Association is the first organization of subnational governments to partner with the Centre.”

Western Governors Association

Little was installed as Chair of the Western Governors Association (WGA) in July 2021. Researcher Karen Schumacher describes how the WGA is the primary mechanism by which WEF and UN Agenda 2030 are implemented locally.

The Western Governors Association previously created its Reimagining the Rural West Initiative (RRW) in order to implement the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).  This initiative is also “connected” to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Great Reset agenda as it also promotes implementation of the SDG.  As the WGA uses the pretext of Covid-19 to justify its actions, so does the WEF “Build Back Better.”

Read Little’s efforts on WGA’s pro Agenda 2030 ‘Working Lands, Working Communities’ Initiative.

Little serves with progressive Oregon Governor Kate Brown on WGA’s Western Prosperity Roundtable. The Roundtable convenes “federal, state and local policymakers and stakeholders to discuss emerging issues, share success stories, and provide a forum for the development of bipartisan strategies to improve cross-boundary land and natural resource management, mitigate wildfire risk and restore ecosystems.” More about ecosystems later.


How our Idaho government is supposed to work is fairly simple.  We are a constitutional representative Republic, where all power rests in, We the People, whereby government authority is structured from the bottom up. In other words, our elected officials answer to us. Thanks to regionalism, NGO operatives can bypass our duly elected officials, and you.

RegionSmart, an NGO, offers a window into how Agenda 2030 partnerships are “establishing a solid track record of creating an ecosystem (there’s that word again) of people, projects, and resources to support the building of stronger, sustainable communities” (i.e. regionalism across state lines).”

Regionalism has already been adopted by the City of Twin Falls.

From Twin Falls Vision 2030 Comprehensive Plan for a sustainable Future Land Use Goal 1:

Participate in regional strategies to capitalize on the interaction of jobs, housing balance, and transportation issues.

Idaho Rep. Heather Scott (Dist. 1) in her article ‘Handing Over Idaho on a Silver Platter’, Part I traces how:

Regional government [public-private partnerships] eliminates fixed political boundaries, eliminates the separation of powers within those boundaries, and makes it impossible to remove representation by elections.  Regional government trains local and state elected, appointed and public employees to function as ‘administrators’ of national planning and development policies, ultimately resulting in a single jurisdictional national government, with variable political boundaries – called regional government.  There are over 62,000 un-elected regional bodies and 35,000 elected regional bodies nationwide. 


Sold to your state and local elected, appointed, and employees as the “solution” to deal with growing population challenges related to such issues as housing, land use, land ownership, “sustainability”, educational fairness, and other social problems, regionalism hands over local authority to autonomous and un-elected ‘experts’.

In Part II of this series, Scott follows the money trail behind regionalism’s policies, goals and agendas. She explores how taxpayer dollars, federal courts, lobbyists, PACs, NGOs, and regional memberships (paid for by taxpayer dollars), all lead to Agenda 2030.

Economic Social Government (ESG) metrics

While Agenda 2030 SDGs are the master plan for ushering in utopia for the whole planet, it is The World Economic Forum’s ESG metric system that is the enforcement mechanism by which corporations and businesses, and eventually your small business, are ‘encouraged’ to comply with these lofty goals. World Economic Forum ESG metrics work much like China’s social credit scoring system of its citizens, but for corporations, banks and businesses. The higher a company’s ESG score, the higher their compliance with Agenda 2030 SDG goals.

But that’s not all. Having high ESG scores are pivotal to the corporate bottom line because a low ESG score can mean being left out of the Green New Deal/Build Back Better economy. Get on board now or go broke. A low ESG score could result in your business loan application being denied, or a company you do business with terminating your contract because your low score would negatively impact their score.

Having high ESG scores is why M&Ms, Coca-Cola, Nike, Bank of America — to name a few — are jumping aboard the ‘woke’ bandwagon, signing on to the Paris Climate Agreement, committing to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, and are proponents of LGBTQI issues. ‘Going Green’ means cashing in. Read more about ESG metrics here.

In her recent newsletter, Idaho Rep. Heather Scott (Dist. 1) warns:

An [ESG] score is given to businesses and individuals attempting to measure how well they are aligning with an elitist-developed set of global standards (commonly referred to as “Sustainability Goals”) in society. This score is then used to attempt to control economic decisions such as eligibility for loans or participating in business transactions, buying and selling of goods. This system of bastardized capitalism, being implemented worldwide, wants to replace our old form of shareholder capitalism with “stakeholder capitalism.”  It uses Private Public Partnerships to transform capitalism into fascism.

Agenda 2030-Friendly Businesses in the Magic Valley

Below are just some of the businesses operating in Idaho and the Magic Valley that report their ESG ‘performance data’ on their websites.

Bayer, Berkshire Hathaway, Chevron, Chobani, Costco, Ford, General Motors, Glanbia, Home Depot, Idaho Power, Kohl’s, Kroger (Fred Meyer and Smith’s) Marriot, McDonald’s, Merril-Lynch, Micron, National Assocaition of Realtors (Idaho Realtors Assoc), Starbucks, Taco Bell, Target, Toyota, Verizon, Walmart, Wells Fargo.  By the way, Bayer, Idaho Power, Idaho Realtors, and Micron are members of IACI.

Finding out if a business is participating in ESG metrics is easy. In your search browser, simply type in the name of the business, followed by ‘esg metrics.’

Idaho State Board of Education

First, it is important to understand that SDG #4 QUALITY EDUCATION goal of “ensuring inclusive and equitable education” are buzzwords for Critical Race Theory (CRT). The Heritage Foundation defines CRT as “The prism through which its proponents analyze all aspects of American life, categorizing individuals into groups of oppressors and victims. It is a philosophy that is infecting everything from politics and education to the workplace and the military.”

CRT goes by the name of Critical Social Justice (CSJ) in Idaho’s K-12 education system. You can read Idaho Freedom Foundation’s shocking report, Critical Social Justice in Idaho K-12 Education here. According to Anna Miller of IFF:

CSJ is written into the DNA of Idaho’s public education system. At the most fundamental level, Idaho’s education system is designed to replace the influence of parents on the opinions and sentiments of children with the influence of public institutions. Idaho has many solid laws that discourage CSJ education. But these laws are undermined by other state regulations and federal programs. The report exposes CSJ ideology advances statewide school program, policies and curriculum, and identifies who is responsible for promoting CSJ, and what can be done to stop its advancement. 

Fighting Back

In his latest bestseller, The Great Reset, Glenn Beck writes:

Americans are at a crossroads. We must make a choice. We have to decide whether we are going to go the way of China and twenty-first century fascism or pursue the promise of our forefathers.

Below is a list of concrete and practical steps you can take – beginning today – to fight back against Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset. 

Become informed: Buy Glenn’s Book, The Great Reset to become informed and then tell your neighbors. Do your own homework by visiting these websites on Agenda 2030: The Truth about the UNs Agenda 2030 — What You Need to Know – My Patriot Supply –  Stop Agenda 2030: The John Birch Society ( –  The UN’s Agenda 2030: Marxist Stealth Plan for World Government – Shop JBS.

I urge you to read Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s state-of-the-nation speech warning against Agenda 2030 here.

Join MVLA: Our mission statement reads, “We believe it is the responsibility of We the People to restore and keep our Constitutional form of government that respects individual liberties and God given inalienable rights. We educate the public, expose corruption, build strategic relationships both in the community and with elected officials, and promote peaceful and effective political activism.” Sign up for our newsletter here. Sign up to become a MVLA Team volunteer here.

In the Classroom: Idaho Freedom Foundation offers parents a free ebook to detect CRT in the classroom, ‘Fighting Critical Race Theory in Idaho’ here. CRT ends when enough parents stand up and say no. If you are interested in organizing with other concerned parents in the Magic Valley, contact us at We will help you get started. Or start homeschooling.

Community First

Buy local: Why support businesses that want to enslave you? Stop handing your wealth over to globalists working to undermine everything you believe in, simply because Amazon’s two-day shipping is convenient, or the price is slightly cheaper. As much as possible, buy local. Keep your money in the Magic Valley and Idaho by patronizing local restaurants, businesses, retailers, and farmer’s markets.

Ditch big box businesses that support ESG metrics: As I said earlier, finding out if a business is participating in ESG metrics is easy. In your search browser, simply type in the name of the business, followed by ‘esg metrics.’ Join with other patriots by shopping at made-in-the-USA businesses here.

Bank local: Pull your money out of big woke-friendly corporate banks, like Wells Fargo, and do business with local banks, and tell them you appreciate that they are not participating in ESG metrics, or SDGs. Reject money from the federal government loans and business activities. These dollars can be used against you.

Think local: Don’t spend all your time on national elections or issues. Through our newsletter, articles and events, and volunteering, MVLA can help you have significant influence on state and local candidates, issues and legislation.

Run for Office: Yes, YOU!  Sadly, we have the pro Agenda 2030 government we deserve because too many liberty-loving citizens have neglected their civic duties of holding their local officials accountable. By our own neglect, we now have the government we deserve. Even if you have been mildly contemplating running for public office, city council, or school board — even just a little — please email us at Our ‘Run for Office. Who me?’ page is loaded with information on running for office to win, tools and helpful links needed to get started.

We will meet with you to explore this further to help you make a more informed decision. We will NOT pressure you. We promise.

Support liberty-minded candidates: There are many state and local candidates running for office right now needing your support for both the Primary election May 17th, and general election in November. Read my recent article, ‘Why Your Vote in Idaho’s May 17th Primary Election is Vital to Keeping Idaho Red’ here. It also includes a list of all candidates on the ballot.

Hold your elected representatives accountable: Your eyes and ears are needed at City Council meetings, Planning & Zoning, the Twin Falls Republican Central Committee, South Central District Health, and County Commissioners meetings.

  • Twin Falls City Council meets every Monday at City Halls at 5 pm (203 Main Avenue East, Twin Falls).
  • Twin Falls Planning & Zoning Commission public hearing schedule here. Meetings are generally held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 6 pm (203 Main Avenue East, Twin Falls).
  • Twin Falls County Commissioners meetings schedule can be found here.
  • Twin Falls Republican Central Committee meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month at the County West Building, 630 Addison Avenue, Twin Falls.

Commit to not participate in lies: Glenn writes that peaceful resistance means having the will to reject a daily participation in deceit. By refusing to be a part of the elite’s lies, we remove much of their power they have over us. Quoting Solzhenitsyn: “Let their rule hold not through me!”, Solzhenitsyn outlines several ways ‘the honest man’ can peacefully resist. Here are just three from Glenn’s book:

  • Walk out from meetings, lectures, film, as soon as the speaker utters a lie.
  • Not vote for a proposal or a candidate deemed untrustworthy.
  • Not buy products that distort or hide underlying facts.

Cultivate moral courage: Resisting against what seems like a tidal wave of a world wide movement can seem as futile as arming ourselves with a teaspoon. So, where are we going to find the courage needed to stand? I suggest you start with the Get Equipped’ page on our website, where you will find plenty of helpful information and links, and further reading. Then join MVLA. There is moral strength in the fellowship of others.

In his book, ‘Live Not By Lies,” Rod Dreher writes that the bedrock of resistance is built on the following:

  • Becoming rock solid in your commitment to your faith
  • Being for something good
  • Being in the company of small communities of resistance (your church, MVLA)
  • Organize now while you still can

Dreher interviewed many survivors of Soviet era Slovakia. These really stood out to me.

“Young people like me saw their example and were able to grow in courage. The lesson here is that when you see someone acting courageously, you will act courageously as well.”

“If I am not willing to suffer, my truth might as well be nothing more than an ideology.”

“In the end, those who are afraid always end up worse than the courageous.”

“Freedom awaits you in fellowship.”

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