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Conservatives Confront Twin Falls City Council Approval of Paranormal Cirque

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By Kala Tate, August 12, 2024

We the people showed up in force! Around 20-30 conservatives showed up to hold our City Council leadership into account. 

Approximately 8 testifiers spoke to the Council about their lack of leadership, deliberate permitting violations, and endangerment to community health and safety with their allowance of the Paranormal Cirque coming to the Magic Valley Mall last July. Many testifiers spoke of the tragic repercussions of demonic activity in our community and the consequences of such allowances.

Kally Schiffler testified, “We are here to ask you as the gatekeepers to this city to protect our community. You tolerate darkness and you compromise our lives and our city because you do not see these demonic forces for the destructive enemies that they are. You would be wise to protect our city and not allow the Paranormal Cirque or any other demonic entity into our city.”

Justin Leavins spoke on behalf of the next generation, asking the Council where they will draw the line with good versus evil. Pastor Riley White of Hagerman blessed the City Council members with a powerful prayer and encouraged all to “toe the line.”

Council members did not reply to any of the questions or concerns presented. They did not provide explanations for their own violations regarding the permitting process of this event. Rather, Twin Falls City mayor Ruth Pierce and members seemed oblivious to the public’s concerns.

 New leadership is absolutely needed in the City of Twin Falls!

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