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Active Legislation
Senate & House Bills | Description | MVLA Position | Action Needed Now |
SJM101 Water Storage Solutions Read bill here. | Proposes studies to identify and construct additional water storage in Idaho including the possible reconstruction of the Teton Dam. | YES | Passed House 2.26.25. Email the Senate Resources and Environment Committee with one here. |
SJR101 State Constitutional Amendment Regarding Initiatives, Petitions Read bill here. | Proposes a state constitutional amendment to require any referendum or initiative petition to be signed by at least 6% of legal voters in all 35 legislative districts. | NO Makes it more difficult for citizens to gather signatures. | Email the entire Senate with one email here. |
SCR111 Traditional Family Month Read bill here. | Recognizes ‘Traditional Values Month’ to raise awareness of traditional families – from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day. | YES | Passed Senate 27:7:1 on 2.25.25. Email the House State Affairs Committee here. |
S1008 Conceal Carry Firearms on Campuses Read bill here. | Prohibits limitations regarding concealed weapons at public colleges and universities. | YES | Email the entire Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
S1022 Curtail Power of Health Districts Read bill here. | Protects patient rights by requiring informed consent and the use of experimental drugs. | YES | Email the Senate State Affairs Commitee with one email here. |
S1023 Medical Freedom Act Read bill here. | Prohibits medical mandates by government, schools or businesses. | YES WATCH Sen. Dan Foreman present his bill here. | Passed the Senate by a 19-14 vote on 2/26/25. Email the entire House Health & welfare Committee with one email here. |
S1027 Transparency in Financial Services Act Read bill here. | Prohibits debanking of customers for political reasons. | YES | Passed the Senate by a 32-2 vote on 3/3/25. Email the entire House Business Committee with one email here. |
S1031 Limit Overreach of Health Districts Read bill here. | Revises certain powers and duties of district boards of health. | YES | Passed the Senate by a 31-0 vote on 2/26/25. Email the House Health & Welfare Committee here. |
S1036 Moratorium on Human Gene Therapy Read bill here. | Provides for transparency, safety and oversight of Human Gene Therapy: no experimental treatments/vaxes. | YES WATCH: Informational hearing here. | Heard in the Senate Health & Welfare Committee where chair VanOrden said she would only allow testimony – NO VOTE. Pressure needed to be applied to the Chair shel@senate.idaho.gov and Senate Health & Welfare Committee. Email here. |
S1046 Human Fetal & Development Instruction in Public Schools Read bill here. | Requires public school students (grades 5-12) receive instruction on fetal development. | YES Instruction includes videos. | Passed the Senate by a 27-8 vote on 2/27/25. Email the entire House Education Committee with one email here. |
S1048 Freedom of Inquiry in Higher Education Read bill here. | Eliminates DEI in higher education. | YES | Email the entire Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
S1049 Voter ID Read bill here. | Eliminate affidavits, must show ID photo to vote. | YES | Email the entire Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
S1064 Cloud Seeding Read bill here. | Revises authorization and reporting requirements of cloud seeding programs. | YES WATCH Sen. Nichols present her bill here. | Email the entire Senate with one email here. |
S1065 Weather Modification Read bill here. | Prohibits unauthorized weather modification activities. | YES | Email the entire Senate Resources & Environment Committee with one email here. |
S1117 Financial Impact Statement on Petitions Read bill here. | Requires an updated fiscal impact statement for initiative petitions and to revise certain filing deadlines. | YES | Email the entire House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
S1158 Child Safety Read bill here. | Requires smart phone and tablet manufacturers to enable existing filters to protect children from harmful material and sexual exploitation. | YES The filters are already there but are defaulted to “off.” | Email the entire Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
HCR005 Litigate Dr Fauci for Idaho State Crimes Read bill here. | A federal pardon issued by Biden does not confer immunity from prosecution or responsibility for state crimes. | YES WATCH: ‘Fauci Hunter’ bill pass the House here. | Passed House by a 56-14 vote on 2/3/25. Email the full Senate with one email here. |
HCR009 Convention of States Commissioners Read bill here. | Establishes framework for creating Commissioners to represent Idaho at an Article V Convention of the States. | NO Commissioners would open up the US Constitution to unlimited revisions, destroy it. | Email the entire House with one email here. |
HCR010 Convention of States Read bill here. | Makes 3 applications to Congress calling for an Article V convention of states: balanced budget, limit power of federal gov’t and term limits of Congress. | NO Would open up the US Constitution to unlimited revisions, destroy it. | Email the entire House with one email here. |
HJM001 Traditional Marriage Definition Read bill here. | Restores the natural definition of marriage, a union of one man and one woman. | YES | Passed the Senate by a 22-13 on 2/24/25. Email the entire Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
HJM002 Permitting of Federal Energy Projects Read bill here. | Reforms federal permitting and environmental review processes to expedite the deployment of energy projects. | NO | ‘Retained on General Orders.’ Email entire House with one email here. |
HJR004 Narcotics, Substances Read bill here. | Amends the state constitution to provide the Legislature the authority to legalize the growing and production-to-possession of illegal substances . | YES Includes marijuana. | Email the Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0002 Voting Threshold Read bill here. | This bill restricts voting the current threshold from 50% to 60% needed to approve proposed initiatives, like Prop 1. | NO Makes it harder for Idahoans to pass initiatives while out-of-state entities with funding can meet requirements. | Email the entire House State Affairs Committee with one email here. Read Idaho Freedom Foundation Analysis here. |
H0006 Open Meetings Violations Read bill here. | Authorizes the attorney general to take actions against county officers that violate open meeting laws. | YES | The bill is open to amendments from the full Senate. Email the entire Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0040 Lower Income Tax Rates Read bill here. | Exempts certain precious metals from capital gains tax, lowers the income tax rate, and exempts certain military benefits from income taxation. | YES | Passed the Senate Local Government & Tax Committee on 2/13/25. Email the entire Senate with one email here. |
H0059 Medical Ethics Defense Act Read bill here. | Protects the right of conscience of health care providers, provides whistleblower protection. | YES | Passed the Senate by a 28-6 vote on 3/10/25. Sent to the Governor to sign. |
H0083 Illegal Immigration Act Read bill here. | Provides for crimes regarding illegal entry into this state and for returning to a foreign nation. | YES Read ‘Do We Need Illegal Aliens?’ here. | Passed the House by a 61-9 vote on 2.10.25. Email the entire Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0096 Flag Displays Read bill here. | A governmental entity shall only display certain flags. | YES | Email the entire Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0098 Taxpayer Funding of Teachers Unions Read bill here. | Restricts usage of taxpayer funds for teacher union activities. Watch Rep. Josh Tanner present his bill here. | YES | Passed the House by a 40-29 vote on 2/12/25. Email the entire Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0109 SNAPP Restrictions Read bill here. | No taxpayer purchases of candy and soda. | YES | Passed the House by a 38-32 vote on 3/3/25. Email the entire Senate Health & welfare Committee with one email here. |
H0114 Candidates Filling Vacancies Read bill here. | Primary winners cannot be swapped out with other candidates except in the case of death or moving. | YES | Email the entire House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0125 Riots Penalty Read bill here. | Adds a penalty for a riot that results in physical injury to a person. | YES | Passed the House on a 44-26 vote on 2/17/25. Email the Senate Judiciary & Rules Committee here. |
H0130 Board of Equalization Read bill here. | Establishes a Board of Equalization to determine whether local hospital(s) are exempt from property taxes. | YES | Passed the House by a 39-28 vote on 2/24/25. Email the entire Senate Local Government & Taxation Committee here. |
H0135 No non-emergency health care for Illegals Read bill here. | Removes certain provisions for verification of lawful presence to receive public benefits. | YES | Email the entire House Health & Welfare Committee with one email here. |
H0137 Abortion Drugs Read bill here. | Classifies abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprostol as schedule IV drugs to better monitor misuse. | YES | Email the entire House Health & Welfare Committee with one email here. |
H0138 Medicaid Expansion Requirements Read bill here. | Requires certain federal waivers for Medicaid expansion eligibility. | YES | Passed the House by a 38-32 vote on 2/19/25. Email the Senate Health and Welfare Committee with one email here. |
H0140 Eliminate Daylight Savings Time Read bill here. | Replaces daylight savings time with standard time. | YES | Email the entire House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0162 School Bible Reading Read bill here. | Requires school-sponsored Bible reading. | YES | Email the entire House Education Committee with one email here. |
H0230 Sexual Exhibitions Read bill here. | Bans drag shows and other indecent sexual exhibitions in public places where minors are present. | Yes | Passed the House by a 55-11 vote. Email the entire Senate state Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0238 Display of 10 Commandments at Public Schools Read bill here. | Provides for the display of the 10 Commandments in public schools. | YES | Email the entire House Education Committee with one email here. |
H0239 Sexually Explicit Instruction in Public Schools Read bill here. | Requires parental opt-in of sexually explicit instruction in public schools. | YES | Passed the House by a 58-12 vote on 3/3/25. Email Senate Education Committee with one email here. |
H0240 Campus free Speech Read bill here. | Protects 1A rights to free speech on higher ed campuses. | YES | Passed the House 50-15 on 3/4/25. Email the Senate State Affairs Committee here. |
H0252 e-verify Read bill here. | Requires employers to verify lawful status of employees. | NO | Email the entire House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0264 Women’s Privacy Read bill here. | Pertains to correctional facilities, and domestic violence shelters. | YES | Email the entire Senate State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0269 Sunsets Launch Grant Program, Read bill here. | Moves closing date of this college fund program from July 1, 2026 to 2029. | YES | Email House Commerce and Human Resources Committee here. |
H0270 Indecent Exposure Read bill here. | Defines situations in which a person would be guilty of indecent, willful and lewd exposure, a misdemeanor. | YES | Passed the House by a 59-8 vote on 2/28/25. Email the Senate Judiciary & Rules Committee with one email here. |
H0271 Prohibit Advertising of Illegal Products Read bill here. | Prohibits advertising in Idaho of illegal products and services (i.e. illegal drugs). | YES | Passed the House Judiciary & Rules Committee by a 11/2 vote. Email the entire House with one email here. |
H0272 Revise 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act Read bill here. | Prohibits financial institutions to utilize unique credit card codes to firearms retailers that sell weapons and ammunition in Idaho. | YES | Email the entire House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0273 Authorize Public School Employees to Conceal Carry Read bill here. | Authorizes a school employee who possesses an enhanced license to carry concealed weapons on school property in certain instances. | YES | Email the entire House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0297 Guest Worker Program Read bill here. | Establishes the Idaho Guest Worker Program through permits to non-citizens. | NO Read MVLA Op-Ed here. | Email the entire House Agricultural Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0298 High School Graduation Requirements Read bill here. | Moves high school graduation requirements from rules to code, placing oversight with the legislature. | YES | Passed the House Education Committee on an 8-6 vote on 2/27/25. Email the entire House with one email here. |
H0304 Property Tax Relief Read bill here. | Provides property tax relief of $100 million. | YES | Email the entire House with one email here. |
H0306 Criminal Libel Read bill here. | Provides for penalties and restitution to a victim, and prosecution. | NO Read MVLA’s Op-Ed here. | Email the entire House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0307 Elections, False Claims Read bill here. | A sister bill of H0306, allows the Secretary of State to investigate ‘false claims against candidates.’ | NO Bill could be used to silence challengers and shield politicians from criticism and violate the first amendment. | Email House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0310 Ballots Security Read bill here. | Ensures that ballots and ballot papers are secure and cannot be tampered with. | YES | Passed the House by a 67-0 vote on 2/26/25 Email the entire Senate with one email here. |
H0323 anti-SCAM Read bill here. | Establishes provisions regarding the protection of vulnerable adults from financial exploitation. | YES | Email the entire Senate Commerce & Human Resources Committee with one email here. |
H0339 Accuracy of Voter Registration Read bill here. | Ensures that only eligible citizens can vote and only eligible Idaho voters are registered to vote. | YES | Passed the House State Affairs Committee on 3/6/25. Email the entire House with one email here. |
H0342 Income Tax Credit Read bill here. | Provides an income tax credit for nonprofit pregnancy centers, allowing individuals an increased amount for charitable tax contributions. | YES | Email the House Revenue and Taxation Committee with one email here. |
H0345 Medicaid Cost Containment Read bill here. | A Watered-down Medicaid expansion bill offering $15.9 million in tax relief. | NO Read MVLA Op-Ed here. | Passed the House by a 61-9 vote on 3/6/25. Email the Senate Health & Welfare Committee here. |
H0350 DOGE-School Funds, Proper Use Read bill here. | State funding to school districts and public charter schools must be used for their intended purposes. | YES | Email the entire House Appropriations Committee with one email here. |
H0351 Education, Parental Rights Read bill here. | Requires school districts to post supplemental educational materials, textbooks, and course syllabi online. | YES | Email the entire House with one email here. |
H0352 Education, Parental Rights Read bill here. | Requires public schools to adopt policies and procedures that prohibit education on sexual orientation or gender identity K- 12 grades. | YES | Email the entire House with one email here. |
H0356 Foreign Governments Read bill here. | Prohibits foreign governments from purchasing Idaho assets and property. | YES | Email the entire House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0365 Election Crimes Read bill here. | Empowers the Attorney General to investigate and prosecute election crimes across the state. | YES | Email the entire House with one email here. |
H0367 Personhood of Preborn Read bill here. | Enshrines the inherent rights personhood of the preborn. | YES | Email the House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0376 Conceal Carry Restrictions Removal Read bill here. | Removes a provision regarding restrictions on the carrying of concealed weapons. | YES | Email the entire House State Affairs Committee with one email here. |
H0382 Student Immigration Status Read bill here. | Requires public schools to report immigration status and nationality of each enrolled student. | YES | Email the House Education Committee with one email here. |
Passed or Dead Legislation
Senate & House Bills | Description | MVLA Position | Date |
SCR1001 Legislator Pay Raise Read bill here. | Seeks to reject the proposed 22% legislator pay raise. | YES | PASSED! the Senate on 1/27/25. Bill has been “tabled.” |
SCR102 Covid -19 Study Committee Read bill here. | Establishes a committee to complete a study of Idaho’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | YES | PASSED! the House by 54-12 vote on 2/10/25. Sent to Governor to sign. |
S1001 Public Expression Protection Act Read bill here. | Preclude lawfare and protect the 1st Amendment by dismissing meritless cases. | YES | PASSED! Passed the House on 3/5/25 by a 70-0 vote. Sent to the Governor to sign. |
S1019 SWATT Bill Read bill here. | Criminalizes ‘SWATTING’: making false reports of violence or emergencies in public or private places. | YES | PASSED! Passed the Senate 34-0 on 1/30/25 and the House 64-0 on 3/6/25. Sent to Governor to sign. |
S1026 Permits Residential Chickens Read bill here. | Permits residential chicken ownership. | YES | DIED 2/26/25 in House Agricultural Affairs Committee. |
S1032 Distraction-Free Learning Policy Read bill here. | Encourages a no cell phone policy during the school day in public schools. | YES | PASSED! Passed the House by a 65-0 vote on 3/6/25. Sent to Governor to sign. |
S1038 Prohibit State Resources to Enforce Mandates Required by W.H.O. Read bill here. | Protects Idaho from being compelled to enforce mandates issued by the World Health Organization. | YES | PASSED! Passed the House by a 65-3 vote on 3/10/25. Sent to the Governor to sign. |
S1044 Cursive Handwriting in Public Schools Read bill here. | Requires cursive handwriting proficiency in public schools. | YES | PASSED! Passed the Senate 29-6 on 2/24/25 and the House 58-10 on 3/7/25. Sent to the Governor to sign. |
S1001 Public Expression Protection Act Read bill here. | Preclude lawfare and protect the 1st Amendment by dismissing meritless cases. | YES | PASSED! Passed the House on 3/5/25 by a 70-0 vote. Sent to the Governor to sign. |
HJR001 Constitutional Amendment Read bill here. | Prohibits government from infringing on how parents educate their children. | YES | FAILED. Resolution failed by 1 vote on House floor on 2/19/25. |
H0007 Cannabis Possession Penalty Read bill here. | A minimum fine is added for first time convictions of cannabis possession of 3 ounces, or less. | YES | PASSED! Governor signed 2/25/25. |
H0014 (Idaho DOGE) Clean Up Act Read bill here. | Requires state agencies to report unnecessary statues to the legislature by September of 2025. | YES | PASSED! Governor signed 2/7/25. |
H0024 Food Label Alternative Animal Proteins Read bill here. | Requires food manufacturers to label their products if they use alternative animal proteins (e.g. lab-grown meat and insect proteins). | YES | DIED in House Agricultural Affairs Committee. |
H0032 Mask Mandate Prohibition Read bill here. | Establishes provisions regarding the prohibition of mask mandates. | YES | PASSED! Passed the Senate by a 27-6 vote on 1/21/25. Sent to Governor to sign. |
H0041 Public Schools Flag Displays Read bill here. | Requires Idaho public schools to display only US and official state flags. Prohibits flags with political, racial or gender viewpoints. | YES | PASSED! Passed the Senate on 3/5/25 by a 29-6 vote. Sent to Governor to sign. |
H0059 Medical Ethics Defense Act Read bill here. | Protects the right of conscience of health care providers, provides whistleblower protection. | YES | PASSED! Passed the Senate by a 28-6 vote on 3/10/25. Sent to the Governor to sign. |
H0093 Parental School Choice Tax Credit Read bill here. | Provides for a parental tax credit for a parent or guardian that incurs qualified education expenses for an eligible student. | YES | PASSED! Governor signed 2/27/25. |
H0131 Identify mRNA Donated Blood Read bill here. | Blood donated by an mRNA vaxed person must be identified as such. | YES WATCH Rep. Chris Bruce introduce his bill here. | FAILED in the Senate Health & Welfare Committee on 3/6/25. Bill is dead. |
H0139 Absentee Voting Limits Read bill here. | Limits instances of absentee mail-in voting to reduce election malfeasance. | YES | FAILED on a tied 7-7 vote in committee vote on 2.26.25. |
H0231 Food Tax Credit Read bill here. . | Provides an alternative tax credit for food purchases by taxpayers. | NO MVLA favored eliminating taxes on food. | PASSED! Passed the Senate by a 30-3 vote on 3/5/25. Sent to Governor to sign. |
H0344 Limitations on Disaster Emergencies Read bill here. | Ensures the legislature can consider a concurrent resolution to end a disaster emergency at any time. Also sets 60-day limit on the governor declaring a state of emergency. | YES | DIED in the House State Affairs Committee on a 7-7 vote on 3/6/25. |
MVLA News & Updates
- Idaho’s Medicaid Reform Bill 345: Cost-Cutting or Coverage Crisis?
- Idaho House Bill 297: A Conflict with Federal Law and the Need to Prioritize American Workers
- OP-Ed: Does House Bill 306 Make Free Speech a Felony?
- Sign the Petition
- Comparing House Speaker Mike Moyle’s Tax Reduction Plan with Grocery Tax Repeal
- House Bill 98: A Win for Taxpayer Rights and Government Accountability
- LEGISLATION ACTION ALERT: Support the Idaho Medical Freedom Act
- Watch Senators Zuiderveld and Zito, with Rep. Kohl on Repealing Idaho’s Dumb Grocery Tax
- Where MVLA Stands on Marijuana Possession & Legalization in Idaho
- Debating the Parental School Choice Tax Credit Bill
- MVLA War Room Tools for Keeping Idaho Legislators Accountable
- Draining Idaho’s Swamp: Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld Exposes Misappropriation of Public Funds
- Magic Valley Legislators Announce DOGE Idaho