2025 session Articles

Where MVLA Stands on Marijuana Possession & Legalization in Idaho

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For the Record: MVLA Remains a ‘Hard No’ on Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

By Brian Smith, MVLA Board Member

Since its inception, MVLA has stood on God’s Word. It guides how we think, what we do and defines who we are.

So when topics like legalizing drugs for recreational purposes come up our stance is simple, strong, clear and consistent. “No”.
The Bible is replete with the command to be like Christ. To submit to God and resist the devil (JAMES 4:7). To not become drunk with wine (or any illicit mind altering drug) ((EPH 5:18)). To be alert and of sober mind in order to avoid and resist the temptation of the devil (1PETER 5:8). To be filled with and walk by the Spirit of God and in doing so we will display the fruits of His Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (EPH 5:18, GAL 5:16, GAL 5:22- 23).

Any intoxicating, mind altering substance that would result in the loss of a person’s self-control, induce changes in moods, thoughts and perceptions of reality and cause the loss of moral restraint would lead to the opposite of striving to be Christ like. Instead, the works of the flesh would be kindled: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal 5:19-21).

Secondly, the harmful results to society from marijuana use are devastating.

Marijuana is addictive. According to the CDC, at least 30% of users are shown to have “Marijuana use disorder”. Studies show marijuana use in adolescence is associated with negative effects on working memory, processing speed, verbal memory and academic functioning. It is also associated with negative effects on education attainment, employment and income in young adults.

People who use marijuana experience the loss of drive to achieve which would not impel anyone to work and become a contributing member of society.

Studies also show a decrease in IQ among users. A Duke University study found marijuana lowered IQ by as much as eight points for heavy, long-time users. Marijuana causes a loss of good judgment, moral restraint, physical coordination and response time. Widespread use often leads to an increase in traffic accidents and fatalities. Also, marijuana is the most common illicit drug found in drivers who die in accidents and is frequently combined with alcohol or other drugs.

Research also shows an increase in crime in areas of higher marijuana use. Certain media outlets and politicians try to treat marijuana as harmless. Unfortunately, the facts show the opposite. The Washington Street Journal has an article “Cannabis and the Violent Crime Surge” sub-heading: Heavy marijuana use among youths is leading to more addiction and antisocial behavior (2022). An alarming point raised by the WSJ editorial board: “Mass shooters at Rep. Gabby Gifford’s constituent meeting in Tucson, Ariz. (2011), a movie theater in Aurora, Colo. (2012), the pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla. (2016), the First Baptist church in Southerland Springs, Texas (2017), and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. (2018), were reported to be marijuana users. It could be a coincidence, but increasing evidence suggests a connection.”

There is a plethora of research available showing the devastating impacts of marijuana use and it brings up the simple question: Why would anyone want to impose these crippling measures on any society?

MVLA continues to be steadfast in our commitment to you [the people of this great State] in this fight to protect our Children, Grandchildren, our Families, our State and our Country from the inescapable destruction that would result in the legalization of recreational marijuana in Idaho.

House Bill 7: A Sensible Approach to Marijuana Possession Penalty in Idaho

By Rebecca Smith, MVLA Contributor, January 23, 2025

House Bill 7 presents a significant step toward modernizing Idaho’s approach to marijuana possession. By redefining penalties for small amounts of marijuana, this bill reflects a shift toward more equitable and effective enforcement of controlled substances laws.

1. Proportionate Penalties for Minor Offenses

One of the most notable aspects of the bill is its introduction of a tiered penalty system. Possession of three ounces or less of marijuana is classified as a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine starting at $300, rather than incarceration. This approach acknowledges the need for proportionality in the justice system, reducing the long-term consequences for minor offenses while maintaining accountability.

2. Cost Savings for Taxpayers

By reducing the number of individuals incarcerated for small-scale marijuana possession, this legislation could significantly decrease the financial burden on Idaho’s correctional system. Fewer arrests and jail sentences for minor offenses mean that taxpayer dollars can be redirected to more pressing public safety concerns or community programs.

3. Promoting Equity

House Bill 7 is a step toward addressing the impact of drug laws on our communities. By focusing on fines instead of incarceration for minor possession, the bill reduces the risk of individuals facing lifelong barriers to employment, housing, and education due to felony convictions.

4. Public Safety Focus

The legislation allows law enforcement to prioritize resources for combating larger-scale drug trafficking and more serious offenses. This ensures that efforts are concentrated on addressing threats that pose a more significant risk to community safety.

5. Balancing Accountability and Rehabilitation

The fine structure for possession under three ounces provides a pathway for offenders to face consequences without being subjected to the harsh penalties of a felony. This balanced approach encourages rehabilitation and offers individuals the chance to avoid the cyclical effects of incarceration.

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