Approximate reading time: 4.5 minutes
As I sometimes do while running errands, I tuned into the radio talk show of the hour. On this particular occasion, my errands ran longer than expected. By the time I got out of my car I was vibrating from an hour of ranting, raving, shaming and blaming (with an annoying third of airtime taken up with commercial interruptions).
I then asked myself how my community is any better for me having tuned in? While it’s certainly affirming to hear my private angst vocalized by national talk show hosts, I realized that their yammering will never lower my taxes, reduce Idaho’s government waste and fraud, reduce crime, or improve our schools. That’s my job.
There’s a principle in mental health therapy that applies here: angst that is not transformed gets transferred. As a mental health therapist who has treated dozens of traumatized, abused and oppressed clients, with loads of suppressed anger suffer from much higher rates of chronic inflammatory conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, insomnia, nausea, fatigue, low nutrient absorption, unexplained aches and pains, difficulty breathing, and depression.
I show them how their untreated angst is fueled by life in the Victim Loop (see below). That by ignoring, denying, blaming, resisting, and eventually hiding from their problems leads to what feels like insurmountable goliath-sized problems. Enter denial, diversions and distractions. Hey, on some level these tactics work, at least for a while — that is, until they stop working.

Helping clients step out of their entrenched mental ruts of victimhood and into the Accountability Loop of transformative positive action is truly inspiring to witness. For clients bravely embarking on the Accountability Loop of transformative change is never a solo act, however. Mustering the needed courage to walk up stream against the forces of lies and powerful oppressors requires the aid of compassionate guides (therapists) and an affirming community, like family, friends, a church, or a support group.
At the risk of sounding like a shameless plug for MVLA, before MVLA even had a name we were a handful of liberty-loving citizens who refused to remain hostages of the Magic Valley RINO establishment. Our mutual conviction, together with a resolve to affirm our constitutional freedoms, strengthened us to stand up to a then formidable RINO goliath.
Looking back during our first months of formation, we came to own our part of Magic Valley’s RINO problem, and with both feet we jumped into the Accountability Loop, starting with our public debut at the Magic Valley Speedway on October 2, 2021.

Fast forward to the May 2024 GOP Primary election, our Accountability Loop efforts lead to ‘The Magic Valley Miracle’ in which four RINO candidates lost to these true conservatives, and by wide margins. And the defeat of Prop 1.

While Trump won a historic election, and by a landslide, as encouraging as that victory is, the deep state remains firmly in power. The upcoming showdown to defeat stop-at-nothing swamp creatures from power in Washington commences on inauguration day January 20th. Have your helmets ready. This will be but the opening salvo of a war for the soul of America.
Magic Valley’s conservative legislators, along with other true conservative Idaho legislators, will be waging our own war on waste and fraud from Idaho’s exploding budget come January 6th when the 2025 legislative session begins.
Just as the Trump Administration can’t do it without the support of We the People, our local legislators will need our support and prayers.
Getting started
If you suffer from Victim Loop angst, I invite you to consider courageously transforming your angst into positive action by joining MVLA’s efforts in supporting our local legislators all through the 2025 session.
Contact your Magic Valley legislators today to let them know they have your full support in 2025. Not sure which district you are in? No problem. Click here.
Tell Senate President Pro Tempore Chuck Winder (R) and Speaker of the House Mike Moyle (R) that you support DOGE Idaho.
Chuck Winder: (208) 332-1300,
Mike Moyle: (208) 332-1111,
Tell Idaho Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch, and Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson to support Trump’s cabinet picks and to support the Dept. of Government Efficiency (DOGE).

Called to Courage Series:
Part 1: The Courage to Tell Ourselves the Truth
Part 2: The Courage to Live in Truth
Part 3: The Courage to Counter Coercion
Part 4: The Courage to Resist Becoming a ‘Hackable Animal’
Part 5: The Courage of the Black Robed Regiment
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