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Globalism vs State Sovereignty – The Choice is Yours on Tuesday!

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The Idaho gravy train party has been teaming with large “woke” corporations, billionaires, lobby groups, social media tycoons and yes, democrats, to try to retain control of Idaho and fully implement a global plan.

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Are you ready for Idaho to go “woke,” be forced to wear masks, get fully vaccinated and become a good global citizen? If not, I encourage you to go vote on Tuesday May 17th and bring 10 of your like-minded friends to do the same.  Idaho is in a perfect storm and if citizens don’t wake up by Tuesday May 17th, they will pay dearly over the next four years and beyond.  To add to the storm, the Biden administration is currently setting the stage to hand over control of America’s health care system and U.S. national sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO) and move toward a digital monetary system.

Idaho Establishment’s Woke History

The Idaho establishment (or gravy train party) has been teaming with large “woke” corporations, billionaires, lobby groups, social media tycoons and yes, democrats, to try to retain control of Idaho and fully implement a global plan.  If you do not believe me, please consider the following:

  • The Meta Data Collection Center is currently being built near Boise. The Idaho legislature recently gave Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg a huge tax break to build this data collection complex. Many of the incumbent legislators on your ballot voted for this collection center tax break  (H521 in 2020).
  • Large agriculture lobbyists and AgriPac monies are funding establishment candidates who will embrace refugee workers for cheap labor. Make no mistake, this group is not looking out for the little farmer or Idaho ag communities, but for large corporate agriculture conglomerates.
  • Idaho U.S. Senator Mike Simpson wants to remove Idaho hydroelectric dams, eliminating water, the lifeblood for Idaho small farming communities, and the source of cheap clean energy for Idaho and the West. Could this be a precursor to a planned global food shortage plan?
  • Bill Gates, the Microsoft globalist, owns over 9,200 acres of Idaho land. His goal is to transform farming in multiple ways by transitioning from small food production to global corporations.  He also owns Terra Power, at Idaho National Labs, a nuclear power company interested in competing with hydroelectric power.  Is this why our congressman wants to remove Idaho dams and hurt citizens livelihoods?
  • Our current Little Governor is a paying member of the National Governor’s Association, a partner with the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF is promoting the Great Reset to better track and control citizens through the use of 5G.  Governor Little is pushing these agendas through our state with the “Re-imagining the Rural West Initiative.”
  • The Democratic party has dumped thousands into this Republican Primary election. Many Democrats have changed affiliation and registered as Republicans to fundamentally change our election results by voting for the RINO or democratically aligned candidates.  The five globalist executive position candidates in the graphic below are being endorsed by these Democrat groups.
  • Colorado was ruined with the Rocky Mountain Heist(Trailer)   The same plan is in place for Idaho called the “Gem State Heist”, and is gaining momentum.  Over ten “conservative” sounding named groups (Take Back Idaho, Idaho Conservation League, The 97%, etc.) and Political Action Committees (PACs) made up of progressives and democrats have formed across the state to try to trick uneducated Republican voters into voting for the RINO (Republican In Name Only) candidate (usually a democrat).  Don’t be fooled!

Globalism Candidate Information You Should Know

Little: Funded by progressive big PHARMA, big Insurance, big Tech, and the Otter PAC.  Declared some businesses essential and nonessential forcing mom and pop businesses to close.  Violated the Constitution with extension of the state of emergency for over 2 years, forcing unnecessary hardships and deaths.  Brought the national guard into Idaho hospitals to allow hospitals to fire workers who would not get vaccinated.  Changed the election date for the 2020 primary election, forcing all mail in ballots.  Supporter of globalizing Idaho.  China friendly. Governor Candidate.

Bedke:  Funded by Media, big tech, Otter Pac, and big PHARMA.    This 21-year career politician is financially supported by many ESG (Equity-Social-Governance scoring) corporations.  Voted for Red Flag laws to remove guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.  Votes like a democrat.  Supported carve-outs and tax breaks for big tech and Facebook.  President of global NCLS.  Believes top-down government control is what’s best for Idaho citizens.  Lt. Governor Candidate.

Wasden: Funded by big tech, legal firms, Tommy Alquist, and big PHARMA, .  30-year bureaucrat!  Cooperated with other democrat attorneys general to falsely declare that the governor could “legally” continue to extend the emergency timelines.  Refused to join other Republican AG’s to ban sanctuary cities or challenge voter fraud in the 2020 election.  Agrees that transgender athletes can compete in women’s sports. Has publicly stated “the AG represents the state” not the people. Attorney General Candidate.

McGrane: Funded by big tech, health insurance industry, Otter Pac and big PHARMA.  Took $480,000.00 from Mark Zuckerberg as the Ada County Clerk for Ada County elections (Zuccerbucks).  Wants ballot collection boxes distributed throughout Ada County.  Illegally did not randomize names on Meridian City Council Race in Nov 2021. Illegally allowed underaged students to register to vote. Promotes all digital ballots. Secretary of State Candidate.

Critchfield: Funded by Otter Pac, large corporations, developers.  Publicly says she does not believe critical race theory is a problem. Served as the President of the State Board of Education and requested $6 million in federal funds to promote a leftist non-profit that supported CRT books for preschoolers. Endorsed by the Idaho 97% (democrat group).  Bedke’s cousin by marriage.  Superintendent of Education Candidate.

State Sovereignty Candidate Information You Should Know:

McGeachin:  Endorsed by President Donald Trump.  Funded by individual businesses and citizens.  Acted quickly to reverse the governor’s mask/vax mandates and other unconstitutional executive orders.   Small business owner.  Works for the people.  Strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Governor Candidate.

Giddings:  Funded by individual businesses and citizens.  Military combat hero, Lt. Cornel Air Force hero. Afghanistan War combat veteran.  Exposes corruption and stands in the gap for citizens.  Highest scoring legislative conservative voter – American Conservative Union.  Pro-life and mother of two.  Lt. Governor Candidate.

Labrador:  Funded by individual businesses and citizens.  One of the founders of the Freedom Caucus in Congress.  Challenged Gov. Little on changing the election dates.  Understands state sovereignty and how to stand up to the federal government.  Understands the various branches of government and their proper roles. Attorney General Candidate.

Moon:  Funded by individual businesses and citizens.  An educator, miner and high scoring freedom legislator with the American Conservative Union.  Has ran many election integrity bills in the Idaho House.  Understands timber and mining industries and endowment lands and the critical role of the Secretary of State on the Land Board.  Former Idaho legislator of the year and the only true conservative candidate in the race.  Secretary of State Candidate.  

Durst:  Funded by individual businesses and citizens.  Wants to fund students not systems.  Believes parents should be in control of children’s education.  Wants to remove Critical Race Theory and Common Core from Idaho schools.  Not afraid to take on the Teachers Union.  Superintendent of Education Candidate

 Please show up and vote and encourage 5-10 of your likeminded friends to do the same. 

The future of Idaho depends on it!

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