Idaho State News

Gun Grab: Boise City Council Call for Gun Control Reforms for Idaho Resolution

By Greg Pruitt, Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, September 18, 2024 The Boise City Council has called for gun control reforms for the state of Idaho in a resolution passed by the City Council. City Councilman Jimmy Hallyburton drafted the resolution in response to a recent shooting at a high school in Georgia. In that shooting, […]

Articles Local News

Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador Continues Fight Against Lava Ridge Wind Project

By Raul Labrador, September 13, 2024 Dear Friends, Over the last week, I’ve filed two separate suits in strategic opposition to the Lava Ridge wind turbine project proposed for the Magic Valley on Bureau of Land Management property.   The project itself is promoted by Magic Valley Energy, LLC, an East Coast energy consortium which plans […]

Articles Local News

Protest Witch Fest Coming to Twin Falls County Fairgrounds

Witch Fest website promises “Two magickal days filled with mystical gatherings await – featuring lectures, workshops, panel discussions, captivating demonstrations, rhythmic drumming, sacred rituals, and graceful movements. Experience the allure of the Witch’s Tea, the enchantment of the Witch’s Ball on Saturday night (age 21+), the mystique of the Witch’s Market & Emporium, and the […]

Idaho State News

Idaho Prevails Against Biden-Harris Administration in Federal Stockwater Case

By Raul Labrador, Idaho Attorney General, September 7, 2024 From Gem State Patriot News. Attorney General Raúl Labrador secured a significant victory for Idaho water rights against federal claims of unconstitutionality in the United States v. Idaho. U.S. District Court Judge David Nye rejected the Department of Justice’s attempt to block Idaho ranchers from seeking […]

Idaho State News

Bombshell Report: ICE Declares Idaho Counties Non-cooperative

WATCH HERE: Theo Wold, former senior advisor for domestic policy to Trump, and Brian Almon of Gem State Chronicle join Matt Edwards of Idaho Signal. Aug. 23, 2024

Local News

Conservatives Confront Twin Falls City Council Approval of Paranormal Cirque

By Kala Tate, August 12, 2024 We the people showed up in force! Around 20-30 conservatives showed up to hold our City Council leadership into account.  Approximately 8 testifiers spoke to the Council about their lack of leadership, deliberate permitting violations, and endangerment to community health and safety with their allowance of the Paranormal Cirque […]

Articles Ranked Choice Voting

Idaho Signal Special Presentation: Ranked-Choice Voting

Featuring Magic Valley’s Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld, Idaho GOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon and Phil Izon, a leading expert on Ranked Choice Voting. Click here to watch. Visit Phil Izon’s website to view his debates on RCV and purchase his books. Read Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador’s Lawsuit Against Ranked Choice Voting here. The AG’s office filed […]

Local News

Eyewitness Report: Ranked Choice Voting the Hot Topic at the Jerome Republican Central Committee July Meeting

By Toni McNeill, MVLA, July 18, 2024 The July meeting was at El Sombrero restaurant in Jerome at 7 pm.  There were 7 Precinct Committeemen (PCs) in attendance, so a quorum was established.  By memory, I accounted for 11 citizens in attendance at the meeting.  Cy Lootens, Jerome County clerk, was also in attendance. Lyle […]

Local News

Fighting the Biden Administration’s Radical Green-Energy Agenda

From Gem State Patriot News, By Raul Labrador, Idaho AG, June 23, 2024 There are few projects that have solidified such widespread opposition as the Lava Ridge wind development proposal, forced on the people of Idaho by the Biden Administration and an East Coast energy consortium. They want to build a massive wind farm on […]

Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked Choice Voting Truth

By Dorothy Moon, Idaho GOP Chairwoman, July 3, 2024 They lied to get it on the ballot. Now it is time for the truth. Paid signature gatherers have been traveling the state over the past year, telling people that their new initiative will result in open primaries, re-enfranchise voters, and create a more fair and […]

Ranked Choice Voting

Exposing Ranked Choice Voting

WATCH: Dorothy Moon Exposes Ranked Choice Voting! Watch the video below or Click Here

2024 GOP State Convention

2024 Idaho GOP Resolutions

By Brian Almon, Gem State Chronicle, June 21, 2024 The 2024 Idaho GOP State Convention passed a series of resolutions in Coeur d’Alene last week. Unlike the platform, which is used as a guide for party officers and legislators, resolutions simply express the feeling or desires of the party as a whole. Resolutions can be […]

Articles Idaho State News

Gem State Heist Defeated. Liberty Wins!

By Brian Almon, Gem State Chronicle, June 16, 2024 From the moment that Dorothy Moon took the gavel in Twin Falls two years ago, the old guard has been scheming to get it back. They launched personal attacks, op-eds, and even lawsuits in their bid to regain control of the Idaho Republican Party. They spent […]

Idaho State News

Ignoring Magic Valley Voters: How Gem State Conservatives Plan to Take Over the Idaho GOP

On the heels of big wins by conservative candidates, Gem State Conservatives are plotting their return to power. And NO, there is nothing conservative about Gem State Conservatives. From Brian Almon, Gem State Chronicle, May 26, 2024 The plot to retake the Idaho Republican Party from the grassroots began before the state convention in Twin […]

Articles Local News

IDAHO FIRST! Lava Ridge vs. Magic Valley Farmers and Ranchers

While BLM’s ‘revised’ Lava Ridge Wind Project will consume millions of gallons of water, Idaho farmers and ranchers are being informed that their water will be reduced or cut off. From Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld’s Substack, June 6, 2024: Why would Idaho take on a project that will consume millions of gallons of water and potentially […]