Approximate reading time: 4.5 minutes
“Congratulations, you are now hackable animals”, declared futurist Yuval Harari in a commencement speech in 2020. Lest you dismiss Harari’s declaration as the musings of a fringe globalist, think again. Dr. Harari is the number two mastermind of the World Economic Forum, the premiere globalist organization that coined, “Building back better,” in which “You will own nothing and be happy.” Harai isn’t alone in his apocalyptic vision of artificial intelligence’s warp speed advances to hack the brains and bodies of every human being on the planet.
Watch this short video of Harai presenting “the greatest revolution of humanity”, wherein intelligent design will soon replace organic humans with inorganic super humans.
For Harai and the AI developer community, “To hack a human being is to get to know that person better than they know themselves.” Why on earth would they want to do that? Every time you use your phone, send or receive an email, hop on the internet, use a free app, receive shopping “rewards,” big daddy AI is updating an up-to-the-minute digital avatar version of you. Why? To sell your data. Data in the info age is the new gold.
But for Harari and his fellow masters of the universe, the merger of man and super machine goes beyond the quest for dollars. Harari’s website states, “History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.” Yep, the endgame here is the deification of humanity– as they “reimagine” it, of course, with they as the god makers, and us commoners their lowly programmable serfs.
No longer is mankind’s evolutionary progress bound by the glaciered speed of nature (or nature’s God), but with AI and big tech, can be accelerated like never before. At long last, mankind’s evolutionary destiny toward God-like perfectibility is finally within their grasp. I can just see our overlords salivating with glee.
Hmmm, where have we heard of an elite few attempting to engineer humans with god-like powers? Gee, wasn’t that the idea behind Adolph Hitler’s engineering of a pure Arian race, or the Bolshevik communist’s “the perfect man” (comrade)? And then there was Mao Tse-tung’s “great leap forward” Yeah, we all know how their versions of utopia turned out.
The kind of programmable lab rats that today’s globalists have in mind goes way beyond hacking your cell phone and data mining your apps. As I am about to show you, as with all tyrannical powers-that-be, their intentions already extend to a multi-front hacking operation of every facet of your life.
Current hacks:
Your water: Floride lowers IQ in children.
Your body: Naomi Wolf, investigative journalist, exposes what is in the Pfizer vaccines. Self-assembling nanostructures found in Covid shots.
Your brain: Tech insiders on why you should care.
Your privacy: Spyware and surveillance threat to privacy and human rights.
Your food: How big tobacco created highly engineered and formulated processed food. The manufactured collapse of the beef and cattle industry.
Your kids: Globalization of indoctrination. Social media collecting massive data from your kids/teens.
Your smartphone: How governments are spying on you.
Your First Amendment rights: The UK and US global crackdown on speech. Klaus Schwab Calls for “Global Collaboration to Combat “Misinformation.”
Your Second Amendment rights: Exposing gun grabbers in Idaho.
Idaho’s elections: Proposition 1 – Ranked Choice Voting. Illegal aliens voting in our elections. Election fraud database across the US.
The border: US government-sponsored child trafficking. Mass migration trial exposed.
Future hacks
Your body: Digital vaccine passports: Coming to the EU.
Your brain: AI to ‘deprogram’ and ‘reprogram’ your brain. Nanobots in your brain.
Your data: Big tech and big government want your biometric data.
Your money: Programable money: Central banks digital currency (CBDC).
Rise of the humans

By far, our best defense against succumbing to ‘hackable animals’ and boiling frogs is by affirming and acting on our human rights as enshrined in our US and Idaho Constitutions, and Bill of Rights. Notice that I did not say, ‘granted’ but ‘enshrined.’ That’s because our inalienable rights are ‘self-evident’ as human beings and come from our Creator God, not from any government or techno-globalist organization.
By naming and claiming our sovereign independence from technocratic schemes like the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization (vaccine mandate-loving Bill Gates is a major donor of WHO) we are inasmuch exercising our human rights against inhuman, unconstitutional coercion and therefore are repudiating their self-appointed authority over us as illegitimate. Period.
As freedom-loving Americans, we can draw strength and courage to defend our human rights knowing they are anchored in the timeless truth that all humans are created by God and endowed with the right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, thought and expression, and the fundamental principles of a free and civil society.
As such, we humans declare the unalienable right to the sovereignty over our body, mind and soul, our children, our state and our nation, that no international law or organization will be allowed to supersede our human-loving Constitution.
So, study our state and US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and teach them to your kids. Vote and support your local and state legislators who affirm and uphold our constitutional rights. And oppose the ones that don’t. Unsure of who to vote for November 5? Read about Magic Valley candidates that support our constitutional form of government here.

Called to Courage Series:
Part 1: The Courage to Tell Ourselves the Truth