Approximate reading time: 5:30 min.
Abortion is healthcare. Males can have babies. Bidenomics is working. Criticizing mass migration is racist. Love is love.
A totalitarian psy-ops operation is in full swing in our post-Christian, neo-pagan America. As I said in Part 1: The Courage to Tell Ourselves the Truth and Part 2: The Courage to Live in Truth, we are under a deluge of deceit that is designed to reset our brains to accept a global governance agenda of servitude. Whether or not you are aware of its persuasive powers you are being psychologically brainwashed into submitting to the whims and will of unelected, self-appointed elitist overlords, amounting to a serfdom of your soul, if you will.
So, what is coercion? The Oxford Dictionary defines it as “the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.” Take a few moments to review below sociologist Alfred Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. Notice how each psychological threat in the coercion process was used during the Covid Plandemic. Keep in mind that Plandemic 2.0 is now ramping up.

These same coercive tactics can be applied to all sorts of unjust, freedom-violating mandates, regulations, and other schemes, like “required” digital identity cards, “necessary” vaccine passports, and “smart” social credit scores, to name a few.
Still, harder-to-detect coercion tactics, though, are those that can be implemented in subtler forms through social media, propaganda news, TikTok influencers, religious and political leaders, and social justice warrior branding of their opponents as racists, domestic extremists, homophobic, transphobic, for simply being white or refusing to be force-fitted into one of their mental cages of intersectionality.
Psychological coercion tactics have become an institutionalized fixture of the globalist playbook by weaponizing of our western institutions, from public education (indoctrination) to the Dept. of Injustice, that coercion is now the norm. So much so that we boiling frogs can hardly detect our slow execution by immersion. Such is the seductive power of coercion.
Whether by the bludgeon of lawfare or trivial DEI policies at the office, the endgame is to intimidate you into their cage of compliance, both physically and psychologically, all the while thinking your consent is by your volition.
Those stubborn enough to bravely defy the woke mob’s shame game risk “enhanced coercive applications” of being debanked, canceled, sued, fined, jailed, mocked, reeducated, or even fired.
One more point before I get to countering coercion. Let’s not naively sugar coat the high price for our defiance. It’s downright exhausting to resist the temptation to go with the flow of compliance, and blindly go along to get along, especially when everyone else at your church or office seem to be merrily floating down the lazy river of rainbow culture.
If you’re feeling despondent, helpless, tired, anxious, and downright overwhelmed, you are far from alone. Me too. It’s tempting to quit the arduous task of trudging upstream against the relentless current of lies, to stay true to your principles, and it can be lonely being an exile in your own country.
Countering coercion: be prepared, not scared:
Awareness is the foremost deterrent against seduction of coercion. As one North Korean refugee put it, when asked she did not stay and fight, “How could I? I did not know I was a slave.” You can’t fight an enemy you can’t see. If ignorance is slavery, knowledge is liberation. So, get well acquainted with Biderman’s Chart of Coercion battleplan to free your mind, then share it with others.
Know your line in the sand. Whereas courage is born of conviction, conviction is born of values. Before we can become as brave as Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings in taking his stand against the balrog, “You shall not pass!”, we need first to have cultivated some soul-searching convictions of our own about where our values lie. One way to begin forming our lines is by asking ourselves this revealing and scary question: What three values am I willing to die for?
Countering with the truth. Nothing disinfects the darkness of deceit like the light of truth. Be that pesky woke repellent by daring to question “the science”. Don’t fall for fake news. Do your own homework. Know your constitutional rights and act on them. Never forget that the success of the globalist’s Great Reset relies on us boiling frogs coming to unquestioningly believe and blindly obey their falsehoods. Those falsehood also happen to be their Achilles heel. You muck up the machinations of their Reset machine every time you counter strike with truths.
Join others in the truth. Remember Biderman’s first brainwashing tactic is to isolate, as did Gov. Brad Little by shutting down businesses and quarantining healthy persons in their homes. The antidote, of course, is to form a community of trustworthy truth tellers. Your family, church, or group like MVLA are powerful coercion resistance cells. Remember, there are way more everyday citizens than there are jet-setting elitists.
Accepting suffering for our defiance is the beginning of our mental liberation and will give us the power to resist coercion. Coming to acceptance of taking up the cross of countering the lies and threats of coercion is always going to be uncomfortable, but will help you bear it with courage, and with the conviction that you will not allow yourself to be blindly led to live in falsehoods.
“You have to suffer for the truth because that’s what makes you authentic. That’s what makes truth credible. If I’m not willing to suffer, my truth might as well be nothing more than an ideology.” -Maria Komaromi, Christian dissident survivor of the communist regime in Budapest, Hungary