Articles Idaho State News

Globalism.  Our Country and State are Rapidly Changing

Don’t be conned by the establishment RINO Republican “grocery tax credit.”  Remember the state is sitting on $1.9 Billion dollars of your extra collected tax money and decided to return $20 to you, but not until 2024!  These RINOs are greedy and continue to grow government.   They refuse to allow the grocery tax repeal to have a hearing.  H509 passed the House 40-27.  It is a slap in the citizen’s face.   The major roadblocks to moving this issue forward are Rep. Paul Amador, Rep. Steve Harris, and Rep. Scott Bedke.

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By Rep. Heather Scott (District 1) February 20, 2022

This email is posted by permission.

Last weekend I flew home for the first time since session started for a very short visit to see my husband and attend the Kootenai County Republican Lincoln Day dinner.  It was awesome to see the huge crowd of over 650 in attendance to support the Republican cause and candidates. Dinesh D’Souza was the keynote speaker. He has a new movie coming out called 2000 Mules that will dive into the national voter fraud issue during the last presidential election.  He discussed ways that we as freedom loving Americans can succeed in today’s political climate by not being passive and succumbing to the aggression from the left.

On Tuesday, thanks to the invite by State Rep. Barbara Ehardt, David Barton of Wall Builders and Glenn Beck (The Blaze) visited the Idaho State Capitol and shared valuable information on the World Economic Forum’s global agenda pertaining to The Great Reset.  At its heart is the ESG (environment, social and governance) scoring system that is currently being rolled out globally.

ESG scoring rates individuals and businesses by a metric standard.  A score is given to businesses and individuals attempting to measure how well they are aligning with an elitist-developed set of global standards   (commonly referred to as “Sustainability Goals”) in society.  This score is then used to attempt to control economic decisions such as eligibility for loans or participating in business transactions, buying and selling of goods and yet to be determined other control mechanisms.  This system of bastardized capitalism, being implemented worldwide, wants to replace our old form of shareholder capitalism with “stakeholder capitalism.”  It uses ‘private public partnerships’ to transform capitalism into fascism.

From the World Economic Forum’s website:

“By supporting the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics, investors can help progress towards better ESG reporting worldwide. The Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics promote alignment among existing ESG frameworks and create a set of data points that can be compared between companies, regardless of their industry or region. The metrics include non-financial disclosures centered around four pillars: people, planet, prosperity and principles of governance and include measurements around greenhouse gas emissions, pay equality and board diversity, among others.

Companies which have adopted this approach include Accenture, Bank of America, Eni, Fidelity International, HSBC Holdings, IBM, Mastercard, Nestlé, PayPal, Royal DSM, Salesforce, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Total, UBS, Unilever, Yara International and Zurich Insurance Group. More details about this group of companies who have signed on to the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics can be found here.”

How do ESG scores relate to financial returns? | Refinitiv Perspectives

ESG scores are already being implemented by some Idaho businesses, investment firms, and banks on individuals.  Firms like Merrill Lynch have put language in their monthly statements rating individuals on their investment decisions.  Some airlines are tracking the carbon footprint for their flights.

Citizens will likely see more examples in the next 12-24 months of how you are being tracked and scored by theses elitists who want to intrude into your personal lives. Don’t fall for this abuse, find a new firm who aligns with your values and freedoms.  How and where you spend your money and who you do business with has never been a more important issue for freedom loving citizens to remain actively engaged in.  Don’t support corporations or businesses that adhere to or practice this ESG mind set.   Please educate yourself on this issue!  It will be one of the most important issues to affect your life in the coming days.

David Barton is working with legislators around the nation in attempts to thwart these tyrannical practices.  He has shared several pieces of legislation with the Idaho legislators.  I am hopeful that legislators can come together on this issue to protect Idahoans.  Glenn Beck pleaded with us to protect Idaho.  He left us with a great analogy:  Our country is the titanic.  We are sinking.  If we can just save the people, we can build another boat.  I was inspired by this visual.

Thanks You to Rep. Barbara Ehardt (A.K.A.“Coach”), who was instrumental to getting Glenn Beck and David Barton to visited the Idaho State Capitol to talk with legislators about the ESG scores and the Great Reset.

Many legislators are doing all we can to try to remove the tax on groceries.  Idaho is one of only seven states to fully tax groceries.  NONE of the states surrounding Idaho tax groceries.  Don’t be conned by the establishment RINO Republican “grocery tax credit.”  Remember the state is sitting on $1.9 Billion dollars of your extra collected tax money and decided to return $20 to you, but not until 2024!  These RINOs are greedy and continue to grow government.   They refuse to allow the grocery tax repeal to have a hearing.  H509 passed the House 40-27.  It is a slap in the citizen’s face.   The major roadblocks to moving this issue forward are Rep. Paul Amador, Rep. Steve Harris, and Rep. Scott Bedke.   Contact them if you have concerns.

The organized camping “protest” is still going on across the street from the Capitol.  On Saturday, Idaho State Police arrested three people, including one of the protest organizers, on outstanding drug-related warrants and a fourth for a probation or parole violation.  I have heard rumors that Antifa may be involved in the tent protest, but have not confirmed.

I have confirmed that more of my supporters are receiving unsolicited emails.  It turns out that the issue was way bigger that I expected.  An establishment legislator requested emails from the Idaho GOP for his district.  After sharing his list with them, they accidently shared their list of 18,000 emails with his helpers.  The data was uploaded into the government data base which gave the Portsman Square Group (mentioned in my last email) direct access to the list. The list was also shared with another legislator.  He also shared the list with another legislator.  I have confirmed this information with 3 sources and believe it to be true.

I know things happen for a reason, and although I am sorry for any inconvenience this incident may have caused to you, I am super excited to be involved in a new emailing platform that offers me so many more ways to educate and engage Idahoans.   In the next few weeks, I will be sending invites to issue discussion groups, topic research teams, and social conversation groups.  My hope is that you will join at least one group and participate.  We are all in this together.  No one has the luxury of sitting back and doing nothing any longer.  I am slowly unveiling a plan to help us manage our Republic from the bottom up, starting here in Idaho.  I hope you will join me in this mission.

I am requesting you join my Growing Freedom Group at this link HERE.  This will help me update your contact information and allow me to better communicate more directly with you.

If you sign up, you will be able to view the final part of this newsletter where I share important information from Rep. Priscilla Giddings on how Idaho is using taxpayer dollars to compile a list of our Veterans.

In Liberty,
Heather Scott


Rep. Heather Scott – PO Box 134 – Blanchard, ID – 83804