By Leslie Wolff, MVLA Contributor, March 1, 2025

Dr. Brady Dickinson, the Superintendent of the Twin Falls School District was invited to speak on our local public schools. He presented the formula used to determine funding and how any absent students affect it. Before wrapping up, he did make his position on vouchers known, which of course, he is against. Julie Koyle, the TFCRCC Secretary did speak on the Hollister school leaving the Filer School District and will become a Charter school starting in the 2025-2026 school year. She has worked hard this last year on making this happen.
There was only one candidate nominated for the open Precinct Committeeman (PC) seat. Brian Rice is the new PC for TF4. He did not bring his resume as our bylaws require, but I guess that did not matter. While giving a brief personal statement, which included he feels that our voter turnout is too low, he was asked several questions from the PCs. He was asked what he would do to improve voter turnout and if he would door knock his precinct? His reply was, it is not his favorite thing to do, but he would knock on a few and then stated he would not try to sway voters on who to vote for or tell them how he is voting. When I questioned him on it because it is our job to promote Republicans, he stated he will only be knocking on Republican doors, so they would already be voting that way. If he does go out and knock doors, he will sure get a rude awakening, as PCs and campaign helpers who have door knocked know firsthand.
If you aren’t aware, July 4th, 2026 will mark the semi-quincentennial birthday of our country. In other words, it is America’s 250th birthday! It marks an important milestone for our country. Congress founded America250 in 2016 to prepare for the momentous occasion. America250 in Idaho has since been established by Governor Little and the Idaho Historic Society. States all over the nation, cities and counties as well, have created their own America250 to commemorate.
With such a patriotic and significant milestone approaching, what group of Republicans could say no? Uh, found them! They are the establishment Republicans in power in Twin Falls County. It seemed like everyone had an issue with something or other. The two biggest concerns were that the county nor TF City had heard from the state to be involved, and many thought it was WAY too soon to start planning for July 4th of next year. As my resolution seemed to be circling the drain, Armond Eckert threw a bit of a lifeline… he tabled it until more information could be obtained.
Although I can’t prove a counterfactual, I bet you a dollar that if one of them had come up with the resolution, it would have passed with no issues.
Come to these Events and Bring a Friend
CSI is hosting a Town Hall for Districts 24, 25, and 26 legislators in the Fine Arts building Saturday, March 1st at 10 am.
Our next TCFRCC meeting is on Wednesday March 12th, at 6:30 pm. Please join us and watch those that represent you in action.
The next Magic Valley Republican Women will meet on Wednesday, March 19th at noon at Pebble Ponds in Filer. The guest speaker will be Dorothy Moon, the IDGOP Chairwoman. Women and men are both welcome to attend. Lunch is $16.
The More You Know Lecture Series by Idaho Solutions is on Wednesday, March 19th at the Herrett Center Wednesday, March 19th from 7-8:30 pm. Understanding School Vouchers: Impacts, Opportunities and Challenge is the topic.